Saturday, January 24, 2015

Ten reported killed in rebel shelling of Ukraine port of Mariupol (VIDEO YT)

Ten people were killed in shelling by pro-Russian separatists in the east Ukrainian port city of Mariupol on Saturday, the head of the Kiev-controlled Donetsk regional police said.

The Mariupol city council said it knew of three confirmed deaths in the attack, with many people wounded, while the separatists denied firing at the city.

Government-held Mariupol, on the Sea of Azov, lies on a coastal route from the Russian border to Crimea, which was annexed by Russia from Ukraine last March.

“As a result of shelling by rebels of a residential sector of Mariupol ... 10 people have been killed,” police chief Vyacheslav Abroskin said in a Facebook post.

Fighting between government forces and separatist rebels has surged in the past two weeks to its most intense in months, with 262 killed in the last nine days alone, according to the United Nations.

The Mariupol city council said in a statement Saturday’s shelling had hit a multi-storey building and caused several fires. Separatists denied responsibility for the attack. “This is blatant misinformation and a lie. Rebel forces did not open any fire in the direction of Mariupol, especially not on residential areas,” news agency Interfax quoted the defence ministry of the self-styled Donetsk People’s Republic as saying........Reuters/Bloomberg........


  1. Donetsk Republic disclaims Mariupol was shelled by militia ...

    The Defence Ministry of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic called clear misinformation materials in Ukrainian media saying houses in Mariupol had been shelled by the militia.

    “This is clear misinformation. The forces of militia have not opened fire towards Mariupol or its houses,” spokesman of the defence ministry told the Donetsk news agency.

    The ministry says the militia was holding the fort at Novoazovsk (a town 40 kilometres from Mariupol, controlled by the DPR) and they were not delivering any shelling there.

    A man, living in Mariupol, who witnessed the shelling, told TASS “the shell came from the Ilyich plant, where shooting was heard. This territory is controlled by Ukraine’s Armed Forces.”

    The Mariupol Mayor’s Office reports three people were killed, information on the injured is not finalised yet.

  2. Ukraine: Raketenangriff auf Wohnviertel in Mariupol...

    In der strategisch wichtigen Hafenstadt im Osten der Ukraine sind mindestens zehn Menschen getötet worden. Die Nato sieht Anzeichen eines Großangriffs der Separatisten.

    Bei Raketeneinschlägen in der ostukrainischen Stadt Mariupol sind nach Angaben der regionalen Polizei mindestens zehn Menschen getötet worden. Mehrere Grad-Raketen hätten ein Wohnviertel der 500.000-Einwohner-Stadt getroffen, teilte das ukrainische Militär mit. Die Stadtverwaltung hatte zunächst von drei Toten gesprochen und machte ebenso wie die Polizei prorussische Separatisten für den Angriff verantwortlich. Die Zahl der Opfer müsse noch überprüft werden, sagte ein Behördensprecher.................

  3. Donetsk Militia Deny Kiev Accusations of Shelling Mariupol ...

    The militia of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) have denied Kiev's accusations of shelling Ukraine's southeastern port city of Mariupol on Saturday.

    "Militia forces have no artillery systems near Mariupol that would be able to shell that region. The place is too far away from our positions," a representative of the DPR militia told RIA Novosti.

    According to the representative, the city was shelled from the territory controlled by the Ukrainian Forces................

  4. At least 15 people have been killed and 46 injured in a series of rocket attacks by pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine's government-held port of Mariupol, police there say...

    The Grad rockets hit a market in a residential area in the east of the city, the police chief said.

    A spokesman for the rebels denied that they had any involvement in the attack, calling it "blatant misinformation".............

  5. Donbass: les indépendantistes passent à l'offensive sur toute la ligne (Kiev) ...

    Au cours de ces dernières vingt-quatre heures, les indépendantistes ont passé à l'offensive sur toute la ligne des combats, a affirmé samedi le ministre ukrainien de la Défense Stepan Poltorak.

    "Ces dernières vingt-quatre heures, la situation s'est sérieusement aggravée sur toute la ligne du front, à commencer par la région de Lougansk jusqu'à Marioupol. Partout, les formations paramilitaires illégales passent à l’offensive", a déclaré le ministre lors d'une réunion de l'état-major, consacrée aux bombardements de la ville de Marioupol.

    Selon le ministère ukrainien de l'Intérieur, au moins 20 civils ont été tués samedi lors des bombardements au lance-roquettes multiples Grad à Marioupol, dans l'est de l'Ukraine, et le bilan risque de s'alourdir. Kiev accuse la "rébellion armée prorusse".................

  6. Donetsk califica las acusaciones de Kiev del ataque contra Mariúpol como una provocación...

    El vicepresidente del Parlamento de la autoproclamada República Popular de Donetsk, Denís Pushilin, calificó las acusaciones de Kiev del ataque contra Mariúpol respecto a los milicianos como una provocación.

    "Es una provocación, Ucrania intentó provocar el desarrollo de la situación en la dirección militar", anunció Pushilin.

    Destacó que es evidente quién y de dónde se realizó la ofensiva contra Mariúpol y aseguró que los milicianos no tienen desplegados cerca de la ciudad sistemas artilleros de suficiente alcance................

  7. Ukraine: 20 morts dans les bombardements à Marioupol (Kiev) ...

    Au moins 20 civils ont été tués samedi lors des bombardements au lance-roquettes multiples Grad à Marioupol, dans l'est de l'Ukraine, et le bilan risque de s'alourdir, rapporte le ministère ukrainien de l'Intérieur, accusant la "rébellion armée prorusse".

    Néanmoins, les rebelles nient leur responsabilité de ces tirs et dénoncent une "provocation" des forces de l'ordre de Kiev.

    C'est la première attaque contre ce port stratégique et dernière grande ville de l'est séparatiste de l'Ukraine contrôlée par Kiev...........


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