Saturday, October 18, 2014

Donetsk, Luhansk reject Poroshenko's law granting special status to local authorities

 Pro-Russian separatists in the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics in eastern Ukraine have refused to recognize a law signed by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko which grants special status to local authorities, official separatist sources have said.

The Chairman of the Supreme Council of the self-claimed Luhansk People's Republic, Alexey Karyakin, announced in a written statement on Saturday that the republic would not enact the law as it was "adopted in Ukraine and did not relate to LPR".

"We have our own state and laws," Karyakin said.

The Prime Minister of the self-claimed Donetsk Republic, Aleksandr Zakharchenko, also said Donetsk did not recognize the law, adding it was a domestic issue for Ukraine and unrelated to the Donets Basin.

  • Zakharchenko said: "Ukraine can adopt any kind of rules, but they do not bind us. We are an independent republic, elected by people's votes in a referendum on May 11.
  • "Those in Kiev believe they are ruling us, but they do not anymore."
Poroshenko signed the law granting local authorities in the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics the right to rule themselves for three years, on October 16.

The law also allowed local elections to be held in the regions on December 9 and declared citizens who were involved in fighting in the east would not be punished.

However, the pro-Russian and self-claimed republics plan to run parliament and presidential elections on November 2 in the regions under their control.


1 comment :

  1. Ukraine : la république de Donetsk resterait non reconnue (Zakhartchenko)...

    La république populaire autoproclamée de Donetsk (DNR) restera sans doute indépendante et non reconnue, a estimé samedi lors d'une rencontre avec les électeurs dans la ville de Novoazovsk le premier ministre de la DNR Alexandre Zakhartchenko.

    "Nous ne pourrons plus vivre au sein d'un seul Etat avec l'Ukraine. Tout porte à croire que nous resterons non reconnus. D'une part, c'est mauvais, dirait-on, mais, de l'autre, c'est très bien au contraire. Notamment pour l'économie. Etre non reconnus signifie gagner davantage. Cela signifie l'absence de tout engagement international", a déclaré M.Zakhartchenko.

    Et d'ajouter que les autorités de la DNR élaboraient une variante de zone multi-monétaire dans la république autoproclamée, soit de l'introduction de toutes les devises à la fois, que ce soit les hryvnias, les roubles, les dollars, les euros ou les yuans.

    "Nous nous garantirons ainsi contre l'exode monétaire. Et après, en un clin d'œil, nous deviendrons indépendants vis-à-vis de l'Ukraine et de la hryvnia", a indiqué le chef du gouvernement.
    Lire la suite:


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