Sunday, May 12, 2024

Putin replaces Russia’s defense minister, Sergey Shoigu, with a civilian

Russian President Vladimir Putin has replaced his defense minister Sergei Shoigu with a civilian, Andrey Belousov, citing the country’s rising military spending and the need for “innovation.”

Shoigu had been “relieved” of his post of Minister of Defense by presidential decree and been appointed Secretary of Russia’s Security Council, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said on Sunday night local time.

Shoigu would also become Putin’s deputy in Russia’s Military-Industrial Commission, Peskov said, while Nikolai Patrushev, the previous Secretary of the Security Council, would “transfer to another job.”

Other heads of security ministries and services, as well as Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, will retain their posts in the government. The president has also proposed appointing Boris Kovalchuk as the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber. This post has been vacant for one year and a half.


  1. Предложение о назначении Андрея Белоусова министром обороны РФ - "плохие новости" для Украины, заявил украинский экономист Алексей Кущ, предположив, что "все идет к резкому взвинчиванию динамики российского ВПК и наращиванию в России военного производства".

  2. Новость о том, что президент России Владимир Путин предложил назначить Андрея Белоусова министром обороны РФ, а Сергея Шойгу перевести на должность секретаря Совбеза, оказалась на первых полосах зарубежных СМИ.
    Среди мировых СМИ, у которых перестановки в руководстве министерства обороны РФ на первых полосах, - британские газеты Daily Mail, Teleraph, Guardian, Financial Times, телеканал Sky News, а также американские телеканалы NBC и CNN, польские издания Rzeczpospolita и Onet.

  3. 12 мая Владимир Путин предложил назначить министром обороны Андрея Белоусова, ранее занимавшего пост первого вице-премьера. Остальные главы силовых министерств и служб, а также министр иностранных дел Сергей Лавров сохранят свои посты в правительстве.

  4. Russian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov will remain in his current post, Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said.

    "As far as the military component [of the Russian Defense Ministry’s work] is concerned, the appointment [of Andrey Belousov to the post of the Russian Defense Minister] will have no effect on the current system of coordinates. The military component has always been a prerogative of the Chief of General Staff, and he will continue his duties. In this sense, no changes are expected at this point," the Kremlin spokesman said.

    Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin nominated Andrey Belousov to replace Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu. Peskov explained that "it is very important to integrate the economy of the military sector into the country’s economy to reflect the present-day dynamics.".


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