Tuesday, May 14, 2024

China firmly opposes U.S. tariff hike on Chinese goods: commerce ministry

 China firmly opposes and lodges solemn representations over the further increase of additional tariffs on some Chinese goods by the United States, and will take resolute measures to safeguard its own rights and interests, the country's Ministry of Commerce said on Tuesday.

On top of existing tariffs under Section 301, the United States on Tuesday decided to raise additional tariffs on its imports of Chinese products including electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries, solar cells, critical minerals, semiconductors, steel and aluminum, and cranes.

China is strongly dissatisfied with the U.S. abuse of the Section 301 tariff review procedure driven by domestic political concerns and its increase of additional tariffs on certain Chinese products, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce said in a statement.

  •      The United States is hiking tariffs on $18 billion worth of imports from China, targeting strategic sectors like electric vehicles, batteries, steel and critical minerals, the White House said on Tuesday, May 14.

The decision comes as President Joe Biden gears up for a re-run of his 2020 contest with Republican rival Donald Trump in November's election, with officials criticizing Trump's record on trade as they made the announcement.

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