Friday, June 20, 2014

Ουκρανία: Σε ισχύ η μονομερής κατάπαυση πυρός

....«Απόψε, 20 Ιουνίου, τίθεται σε ισχύ η κατάπαυση του πυρός. Θα διαρκέσει έως τις 27 Ιουνίου» δήλωσε ο νέος πρόεδρος κατά τη διάρκεια της πρώτης του επίσκεψης στην περιοχή του Ντονέτσκ - ένα από τα προπύργια των αυτονομιστών. Ένα φιλόδοξο ειρηνευτικό σχέδιο θα τεθεί σε ισχύ μόλις ξεκινήσει η κατάπαυση του πυρός.

Νωρίτερα το υπουργείο Εσωτερικών είχε αναφέρει στον ιστότοπό του ότι ο Ποροσένκο θα υπογράψει σύντομα το διάταγμα για μια προσωρινή μονομερή κατάπαυση του πυρός από τις ουκρανικές δυνάμεις στην ανατολική Ουκρανία.

«… Αυτό γίνεται προκειμένου οι τρομοκράτες να μπορέσουν να εγκαταλείψουν τα όπλα. Αυτοί που δεν το πράξουν αυτό, θα αποκλειστούν» επεσήμανε το υπουργείο σε μια ανακοίνωση................Ουκρανία: Σε ισχύ η μονομερής κατάπαυση πυρός


  1. Poroshenko decretó un alto al fuego...

    "Las fuerzas de la operación antiterrorista cesan las acciones militares a partir de hoy y hasta el próximo 27 de junio", dijo el mandatario ucraniano en la ciudad de Sviatogorsk, de la región de Donetsk, según informó la agencia de noticias EFE.

    La orden fue emitida para todas las unidades de las Fuerzas Armadas, la Guardia Nacional y las Fuerzas Fronterizas de Ucrania, según un comunicado del servicio de prensa presidencial.

    "El Ejército ucraniano cesa el fuego. Pero eso no quiere decir que no ofrezcamos resistencia en caso de agresión contra nuestros militares", advirtió Poroshenko. "Haremos todo lo posible para defender el territorio de nuestro Estado", agregó.

    El presidente ucraniano destacó que la integridad territorial "ni siquiera es tema para discutir".

    Poroshenko tiene previsto realizar hoy su primera visita en calidad de jefe de Estado a Donbass, la región minera que es escenario desde hace meses de escaramuzas entre las tropas y los insurgentes pro rusos.

  2. Moscow is surprised at the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry’s comment on the phone conversation of the heads of the Russian and Ukrainian foreign policy departments, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Friday....

    “We were surprised to familiarize ourselves with the comment on this conversation made by the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry that says that the ministers support the Ukrainian president’s plan “with emphasis on effective control of the Ukrainian border. This does not correspond to reality,” the ministry said.

  3. Ukraine peace plan: ‘Poroshenko’s PR move in a form of ultimatum’....

    Ukrainian leader’s 15-point peace plan is in fact a demand for unconditional surrender, under a threat of extermination, Mark Sleboda, Moscow State University’s international relations expert, told RT.

    RT: Let’s start off with Poroshenko declaring the ceasefire. Some of his statements haven't really come to fruition, so how are we to believe this one, particularly where civilians are concerned, will happen?

    Mark Sleboda: We already had several declarations of ceasefire throughout the past week by various political forces and military forces on the ground. And during all this time, the artillery never stopped shelling, the paramilitary forces never stopped advancing and there is no reason to believe that this should be any different.

    In fact, there are already some reports from the ground that mortar fire on positions of the Donetsk and Lugansk military forces has already resumed.

    RT: So basically what you are saying is - so far no?

    MS: No. No. I think this declaration of a ceasefire is merely a PR move by the Poroshenko regime in the run up. It is no surprise that the declared ceasefire ends on the day that Poroshenko is supposed to sign the EU Association Agreement.

    RT: Let's talk about the talks between the Kiev-appointed authorities and the eastern regions. It is not proving to be very constructive, them ignoring the anti-government movement leaders there or is it?

    MS: It is a little bit of Orwellian double speak to call this a peace plan, and I'm a little bit disappointed that any Russian media network would call it a peace plan, without at least putting it in quotes. Peace is by definition is negotiated and Poroshenko has already declared that there will be no negotiation with the political and militant leaders on the ground in the eastern Ukraine. So this is not a peace plan. This is an ultimatum, a demand for the unconditional surrender, under promise of extermination. .................


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