Saturday, March 8, 2014

Ukraine redeploys hardware due to preparations for war games. - Ukrainian Defence Ministry

The redeployment of weapons and military equipment in some Ukrainian regions is taking place due to preparations for a military exercise, a source in the Ukrainian Defence Ministry said on Saturday, commenting on the information in the media.
The source said that a large-scale exercise is to take place on certain shooting grounds of the Ukrainian armed forces and preparations are in full swing now.

Earlier, the media reported that 50 armoured personnel carriers had left a troop unit in Zhitomir and a column of similar vehicles had left a unit in Lvov.

Voice of Russia, Interfax
  • Man-portable air defense systems could be stolen in Ukraine amid turmoil

Highly dangerous type of weaponry – man-portable air defense systems (MANPADs) – have gone missing from two Ukrainian military units, according to a high-ranking official in Kiev.
Several, and maybe even several dozen 9K38 Igla (Needle) air defense systems (SA-18 Grouse in NATO's classification) have been stolen, a Ukrainian military official, who wished to remain anonymous, told RIA Novosti.

The shortage was, according to him, registered in Ukraine’s 80th airmobile regiment, which had 54 MANPADs, and the 27th airmobile brigade, stationed 45 km away from Lvov, which possessed 90 Iglas.

The new leadership of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry is, according to the RIA source, taking measures to “camouflage the grave situation” by adding old and experimental items of the weapon to the stockpile.

The Igla MANPADs are designed to strike down low-flying targets. Their distribution is regulated by a number of international agreements since it’s highly undesirable that this type of weapon gets into the hands of terrorists. Russia and the US have an agreement on MANPADs’ distribution.

A large number of such weaponry was reported stolen from a military base in Benghazi, Libya in 2012, following the coup, which saw Muammar Gaddafi overthrown and killed.

There later appeared reports that Libyan MANPADs could have been obtained by insurgents, fighting against Assad in Syria.


  1. US Secretary of State John Kerry told Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in a telephone call on Saturday that any Russian steps to annex Ukraine's Crimea region would close the door to diplomacy, a U.S. State Department official said.....

    "He made clear that continued military escalation and provocation in Crimea or elsewhere in Ukraine, along with steps to annex Crimea to Russia would close any available space for diplomacy, and he urged utmost restraint," the official said. (Reuters) .......

    1. О телефонном разговоре Министра иностранных дел России С.В.Лаврова с Госсекретарем США Дж.Керри...

      8 марта по американской инициативе состоялся телефонный разговор Министра иностранных дел Российской Федерации С.В.Лаврова и Государственного секретаря США Дж.Керри.

      В фокусе внимания находилась ситуация на Украине и в Крыму. Главы внешнеполитических ведомств условились продолжить интенсивные контакты с целью содействия урегулированию украинского кризиса.

    2. Kerry urges Russia to exercise restraint in Ukraine's Crimea ...

      WASHINGTON - US Secretary of State John Kerry told Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in a telephone call on Saturday that any Russian steps to annex Ukraine's Crimea region would close the door to diplomacy, a US State Department official said.

      "He made clear that continued military escalation and provocation in Crimea or elsewhere in Ukraine, along with steps to annex Crimea to Russia would close any available space for diplomacy, and he urged utmost restraint," the official said.

    3. Readout of the President’s Calls with President Berzins of Latvia, Prime Minister Cameron of the United Kingdom, President Grybauskaite of Lithuania, President Hollande of France, President Ilves of Estonia, and Prime Minister Renzi of Italy. -The White House, Office of the Press Secretary...

      The President spoke separately with Prime Minister Cameron, President Hollande, and Prime Minister Renzi today about Ukraine. The President welcomed the strong, unified stance of the United States and the European Union regarding Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine, including in the conclusions of the March 6 European Council. The leaders reiterated their grave concern over Russia’s clear violation of international law and reaffirmed their support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

      The President also spoke with President Berzins, President Grybauskaite, and President Ilves on a conference call today. The President reaffirmed the United States’ unwavering commitment to our collective defense commitments under the North Atlantic Treaty and our enduring support for the security and democracy of our Baltic allies. The Baltic leaders welcomed the provision of additional support to NATO’s Baltic Air Policing mission, and the leaders agreed to continue coordinating their efforts closely.

      All of the leaders agreed on the need for Russia to pull its military forces back to their bases, allow for the deployment of international observers and human rights monitors to the Crimean peninsula, and agree quickly on the formation of a contact group that could lead to direct dialogue between Ukraine and Russia to de-escalate the situation and restore Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The leaders rejected the proposed referendum in Crimea as a violation of Ukraine’s constitution and underscored that all decisions about the future of Ukraine must include the government in Kyiv. The leaders made clear that Russia’s continued violation of international law will isolate it from the international community. They also discussed the need for the international community to provide strong support to the government of Ukraine as it works to stabilize its economy and prepares for elections in May. They agreed to continue close coordination, including through appropriate international organizations.

  2. Ukraine: Dutzende Flugabwehrraketen aus Militärdepots gestohlen?...

    In der krisengebeutelten Ukraine sind womöglich Dutzende tragbare Flugabwehr-Raketensysteme vom Typ Igla aus Waffenlagern im Westen des Landes gestohlen worden. Dies teilte ein ranghoher ukrainischer Offizier RIA Novosti mit.

    Das Verschwinden der Fla-Raketen sei unter anderem aus dem 80. Luftlanderegiment und der 27. mobilen Brigade gemeldet worden, hieß es. Die beiden Einheiten sind im Raum Lwow (Lemberg) stationiert. Der Quelle zufolge versucht die neue Leitung des Verteidigungsministeriums, den Vorfall zu verschleiern, indem sie die betroffenen Munitionslager mit veralteten Waffen auffülle.

    Die Boden-Luft-Lenkwaffe Igla (Nato-Code SA-18 Grouse) dient zur Bekämpfung von tieffliegenden Luftzielen. Die Weitergabe dieser Waffe ist durch internationale Verträge eingeschränkt, um ein Gelangen in die Hände der Terroristen zu verhindern.

    Die politische Krise in der Ukraine eskalierte, nachdem das Parlament am 22. Februar die Verfassung geändert und Präsident Viktor Janukowitsch für abgesetzt erklärt hatte. Zudem ernannte die Rada den Oppositionspolitiker Alexander Turtschinow zum Übergangspräsidenten und bestimmte eine neue Regierung. Russisch geprägte Gebiete im Osten und Süden der Ukraine haben den Machtwechsel in Kiew nicht anerkannt und stellten Bürgerwehren auf. Allein auf der Schwarzmeerhalbinsel Krim wechselten Tausende ukrainische Soldaten mit Waffen zur regionalen Regierung.


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