Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Obama says he does not see a military solution in Syria right now

WASHINGTON - US President Barack Obama said on Tuesday the United States does not see a military solution in Syria at the moment.
In a joint news conference with French President Francois Hollande, Obama also said Washington had delivered a strong message to Russia regarding the well-being of Syrian civilians in that country's civil war.

"Secretary (of State John) Kerry and others have delivered a very direct message to the Russians that they cannot say they are concerned about the well-being of the Syrian people when there are starving civilians," Obama said.

He added: "Right now we don't think that there is a military solution per se to the problem but the situation is fluid and we are continuing to explore every possible avenue to solve this problem." 

  • EE.UU. no descarta operación militar en Siria....

El presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, subrayó durante una rueda de prensa conjunta con su homólogo francés, François Hollande, que su país no excluye el escenario militar en el conflicto en Siria, si bien la solución diplomática tiene la prioridad, reseñó la agencia de noticias Russia Today (RT).

Desde la Casa Blanca, ambos presidentes firmaron una "alianza renovada" para trabajar "hombro con hombro" por la seguridad mundial, para que Irán cumpla el acuerdo sobre su programa nuclear y para poner fin a la muerte "indiscriminada de civiles" en Siria.

Asimismo, el presidente estadounidense subrayó que Rusia es responsable por la liquidación de los arsenales químicos de Siria.

"Sobre Rusia recae la responsabilidad de garantizar el cumplimiento de las obligaciones de Siria en la destrucción de sus armas químicas", subrayó.

La primera visita de un presidente francés desde 1996 ha sido celebrada por Obama, que ha subrayado que cooperación actual entre ambos países "era impensable hace una década", en alusión al distanciamiento vivido cuando Francia se opuso a la invasión estadounidense de Irak.

Obama, consideró que la alianza bilateral "se ha transformado" y resaltó el "coraje" y "resolución" de Hollande en los conflictos en Siria y Mali y su capacidad para "cumplir sus responsabilidades como líder mundial"..........................http://www.telesurtv.net/articulos/2014/02/11/eeuu-no-descarta-lanzar-una-operacion-militar-en-siria-5462.html


  1. Russia Needs to Make Sure Syria Fulfills Commitments – Obama...

    MOSCOW, February 11 (RIA Novosti) – It is Russia’s responsibility to ensure that the Syrian government complies with its international commitments on eliminating chemical weapons, the US president said Tuesday.

    “Syria must meet its commitments, and Russia has a responsibility to ensure that Syria complies,” Barack Obama said at a joint news conference in Washington with his French counterpart, Francois Hollande.

    The US authorities have earlier accused Syria of stalling on its obligations to get rid of its chemical weapon stockpile by June. Russia, however, is convinced that despite minor setbacks, the international disarmament effort is proceeding largely in line with the schedule, and the final deadline remains realistic.

    Obama called the ongoing civil war and humanitarian crisis in Syria “one of our highest national security priorities” and said that a military strike on Syria, averted last year, still remains a possibility.

    “I’ve said throughout my presidency that I always reserve the right to exercise military action on behalf of America’s national security interests,” Obama said.

    “Right now we don't think that there is a military solution per se to the problem, but the situation is fluid and we are continuing to explore every possible avenue to solve this problem,” he said..................http://en.ria.ru/world/20140211/187439268/Russia-Needs-to-Make-Sure-Syria-Fulfills-Commitments--Obama.html

  2. Russia Plans Veto of Security Council Resolution on Syria ....

    A Russian official said a draft U.N. Security Council resolution on humanitarian aid for Syria has been crafted as a precursor for military intervention, and that Russia will not let it pass.

    Russian media quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov saying Wednesday that the resolution is "unacceptable" in its current form. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called the measure a one-sided effort to blame the Syrian government.

    President Barack Obama said in a joint news conference Tuesday with French President Francois Hollande that aside from Russia, there is "great unanimity" among the council on the resolution to give greater access to aid workers.

    "Secretary Kerry and others have delivered a very direct message to the Russians that they cannot say that they are concerned about the well-being of the Syrian people when there are starving civilians, and that it is not just the Syrians that are responsible; the Russians, as well, if they are blocking this kind of resolution," said Obama.

    The draft measure threatens sanctions against those who obstruct aid deliveries.

    Obama said that at this point he does not think there is a military solution to the Syrian crisis, but that the situation continues to change and he will explore "every possible avenue."...........http://www.voanews.com/content/russia-plans-veto-of-security-council-resolution-on-syria/1849606.html

  3. Russia would veto Syria aid resolution in current form ....

    Russia believes a draft UN resolution on aid access in Syria is aimed at creating grounds for military intervention and would veto the document in its current form, RIA news agency quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov as saying on Wednesday.

    "It is unacceptable to us in the form in which it is now being prepared, and we, of course, will not let it through," Gatilov was quoted as saying of a Western-Arab draft that was debated in the UN Security Council on Tuesday.

    1. Η Ρωσία απειλεί να μπλοκάρει το σχέδιο ψηφίσματος για τη Συρία ...

      Η Ρωσία δήλωσε ότι θα μπλοκάρει το ψήφισμα για τη Συρία, αν τελικά δεν διορθωθεί. Όπως ανέφερε ο υφυπουργός Εξωτερικών της Ρωσίας Γκενάντι Γκατίλοφ, η τελευταία σύνταξη του σχεδίου του ψηφίσματος προβλέπει στρατιωτική επέμβαση στη συριακή σύγκρουση. «Το όλο νόημα και ο στόχος του συνίσταται στη δημιουργία βάσης για την έναρξη στρατιωτικών ενεργειών κατά της συριακής κυβέρνησης σε περίπτωση μη εφαρμογής ορισμένων απαιτήσεων», - δήλωσε ο Γκατίλοφ.

      Στις 10 Φεβρουαρίου ξεκίνησε ο 2ος γύρος των διασυριακών συνομιλιών στη Γενεύη. Μέχρι τώρα, τα μέρη δεν μπόρεσαν να καταλήξουν σε συμφωνία.
      Διαβάστε ολόκληρο το κείμενο: http://greek.ruvr.ru/2014_02_12/262545614/

  4. Kerry says Obama has asked for new policy options on Syria...

    (Reuters) - Secretary of State John Kerry said on Friday that President Barack Obama has asked for possible new policy options on Syria given the worsening humanitarian situation there.

    "He has asked all of us to think about various options that may or may not exist. The answer to the question: have they been presented? No, they have not. But that evaluation, by necessity, given the circumstances, is taking place at this time," Kerry told reporters during a visit to Beijing.

    "And when these options are ripe and when the president calls for it, there will undoubtedly be some discussion about them."

    (Reporting by Arshad Mohammed; Writing by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Robert Birsel)

  5. Russia accuses US of sabotaging Syria talks....

    Meeting "going in circles," Russian foreign minister says, as UN warns of Syrian military build-up in rebel-held town.

    Russia's foreign minister has accused the United States of using peace talks to seek "regime change" in Syria.

    Speaking in Moscow on Friday, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the issue of a transitional government, a key focus for opposition negotiators, must not dominate the talks in Switzerland.

    "We have an impression that those backing the opposition in this process... had in mind only one thing, regime change," Lavrov said, noting the talks were "going in circles."...........http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2014/02/russia-accuses-us-sabotaging-syria-talks-201421411236816625.html


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