Saturday, January 25, 2014

Protesters Seize Ukraine's Energy Ministry.

KIEV, January 25 (RIA Novosti) – Protesters have invaded Ukraine’s Fuel and Energy Ministry in downtown Kiev, an opposition leader said Saturday on national television.
“Activists have taken over the building. The guards did not put up a fight. We will continue our work to paralyze the central bodies of government,” Alexander Danilyuk, who heads the group Common Cause, told Ukraine’s Channel 5.

Protesters a day before had also taken over the Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry.
Dozens of demonstrators and riot police have been injured in a surge of violence that enveloped the capital Kiev last week after Ukraine’s government enacted laws severely restricting protests.

Authorities have confirmed that two protesters have been killed in the unrest, while the Ukrainian opposition claims at least five protesters have been killed.
No police fatalities have been reported.

In a bid to ease tensions in the country, President Viktor Yanukovych said Friday that Ukraine’s parliament next week would consider pardoning detained political activists and reshuffling the government’s top ministers.




  1. US ‘Will Stand With the People of Ukraine’ – Kerry...

    WASHINGTON, January 24 (RIA Novosti) – US Secretary of State John Kerry on Friday reiterated the United States’ support for Ukrainian protesters and said Washington is working with its allies and top officials in Kiev to halt the violence between security forces and government opponents.

    “We will stand with the people of Ukraine,” Kerry said in a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

    Kerry added that the United States is coordinating with its allies in efforts to resolve the situation peacefully.

    “We are working with our partners to press the government of Ukraine to forego violence, to address the concerns of peaceful protesters, to foster dialogue, promote the freedom of assembly and expression,” he said.

    Dozens of protesters and riot police have been injured in the surge of violence that that enveloped the capital Kiev this week after Ukraine’s government enacted laws severely restricting protests.

    Authorities have confirmed that two protesters have been killed in the unrest, while the Ukrainian opposition claims at least five protesters have been killed.

    Kerry said that shortly before he took the podium Friday, he received messages from US diplomats on the ground in Ukraine who are working with Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych “to try to achieve calm and help move in this direction in the next days.”

    In a bid to ease tensions in the country, Yanukovych announced Friday that Ukraine’s parliament next week would consider pardoning detained political activists and reshuffling the government’s top ministers.

  2. Ουκρανοί εξτρεμιστές κατέλαβαν διοικητικά κτίρια σε δύο πόλεις ...

    Διαδηλωτές στην πόλη της Ρίβνε της δυτικής Ουκρανίας εισέβαλαν σήμερα στην Περιφερειακή Κρατική Διοίκηση.

    Τη στιγμή αυτή, στο κτίριο βρίκσονται περίπου 400 άτομα που κατέφθασαν μετά τη «Λαϊκή Συνέλευση». Δυνάμεις αφαλέιας δεν βρίσκονται στο κτίριο.
    Νωρίτερα σήμερα εξτρεμιστές κατέλαβαν και την Περιφερειακή Κρατική Διοίκηση του Λβιφ.

    Ο Πρωθυπουργός Μικόλα Αζάροφ χαρακτήρισε τα γεγονότα ως απόπειρα πραξικοπήματος. «Ενάντιον μας δεν ενεργεί η αντιπολίτευση, αλλά αντάρτες. Πρέπει να γίνεται αυτή η διάκριση» - δήλωσε.
    Διαβάστε ολόκληρο το κείμενο:

  3. Kiev protesters siege energy ministry building as Donetsk holds pro-govt rallies...

    Some 100 radical activists armed with clubs briefly entered the Ukrainian Energy Ministry building in Kiev and then blocked its main entrance. In Donetsk, thousands rallied in support of President Yanukovich’s government, protesting against the unrest.

    Ukraine’s energy minister, Eduard Stavytsky, arrived at the scene for talks with the armed protesters and warned them their actions could ruin the entire energy system of the country.

    “There was an attempt to seize the building. About 100 people came, armed. I went to them and said that if they did not peacefully leave the building then the whole energy system of Ukraine could collapse,” Stavytsky told Reuters by telephone.

    The radical protesters then left the ministry but continued blocking the building. According to Interfax, the protesters now require everyone entering the building from the side entrance to show ministry IDs. Although the main entrance has been sealed, the ministry continues to function normally.

    The action was carried out by the so-called “Spilna sprava” (“Common cause”) opposition movement, which is demanding that the Ukrainian Parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, and the Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovich, all step down.

    The leader of the group, Aleksandr Danilyuk, said on his Facebook page that the action’s aim was to “show that Yanukovich does not control the situation in the country and is a threat to the lives and health of millions.”

    According to Danilyuk, the protesters were able to enter the strategic building freely without any resistance.

    In response to the incident, Stavytsky ordered all Ukraine’s nuclear facilities to switch to a high security mode. According to the minister, the radicals have already approached some of the country’s nuclear sites.

    “In reality, this is a gang of terrorists,” said Stavytsky, as quoted by RIA Novosti...........

  4. BILD-Interview mit EU-Parlamentspräsident Martin Schulz (SPD).... Wann greift die EU in der Ukraine ein, Herr Schulz?....

    BILD traf Schulz im Hotel „Schweizerhof“, fragte: Die Proteste in der Ukraine eskalieren! Hat Regierungschef Janukowitsch die Lage noch im Griff?

    Martin Schulz: „Das ist schwer zu beurteilen. Aber es scheint, als haben große Teile der Bevölkerung das Vertrauen in die Regierung längst verloren. Janukowitsch versucht nun, mit brutaler Härte gegenzusteuern. Das ist mit Sicherheit der falsche Weg.“

    BILD: Befürchten Sie eine weitere Eskalation der Gewalt?

    Schulz: „Ich hoffe nicht, dass es noch schlimmer wird. Aber es gibt offenbar auf beiden Seiten Leute, die jetzt auf Gewalt setzen. Die Ukraine ist in ihrer bisher tiefsten Krise seit der Unabhängigkeit. Die Lage kann täglich ins totale Chaos kippen.“................

  5. Ukraine: Yanukovych offers opposition way out of political crisis ...

    Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has offered a post of Prime Minister to the head of the Batkivschyna opposition faction, Arseny Yatsenyuk, and post of Deputy Minister of Humanitarian Issues to the leader of the UDAR Party, Vitaly Klitschko, Minister of Justice Yelena Lukash has informed.

    "In case Yatsenyuk agrees to become Prime Minister, the Ukrainian President will dismiss the government," Lukash is quoted as saying by the President’s press service.

    Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych promised to consider changes to the Ukrainian constitution - which currently gives the head of state huge powers - either through a referendum or through legislation.

    The Ukrainian government and opposition have also agreed that protesters as well as police officers should leave the streets of Kiev, Andrei Portnov, the First Deputy Head of the President’s administration has announced.

    "The sides have agreed that Kiev squares and streets will be gradually cleared of both protesters and police," he said on Saturday.

    A meeting between Viktor Yanukovych, members of the task force for settling the political crisis and the leaders of opposition factions, Vitaly Klitschko, Arseny Yatsenuyk and Oleg Tyahnybok, lasted for three hours.

    The head of the President’s administration and task force, Andrei Klyuyev, the First Deputy of the President’s administration, Andrei Portnov, and Minister of Justice, Yelena Lukash, also took part in the meeting which became the third over the passed week..............Read more:

  6. Ukraine: Ianoukovitch propose le poste de Premier ministre à l'opposition ....

    Le président ukrainien Viktor Ianoukovitch a proposé samedi aux chefs de l'opposition Arséni Iatseniouk et Vitali Klitschko de diriger le gouvernement, et s'est dit prêt à une révision de la Constitution pour réduire ses pouvoirs, a annoncé la présidence dans un communiqué.
    Arséni Iatséniouk, chef du parti de l'opposante emprisonnée Ioulia Timochenko, s'est vu proposer le poste de Premier ministre et l'ex-boxeur Vitali Klitschko celui de vice-Premier ministre chargé des Affaires humanitaires, a précisé la présidence après des négociations menées à la présidence.

    "Proposer des amendements à la Constitution"
    La présidence, citant le conseiller du président Andriï Portnov, a précisé que Viktor Ianoukovitch avait accepté la création d'un groupe de travail chargé de "modifier la législation sur les référendums et peut-être, via ce mécanisme, de proposer des amendements à la Constitution".

    L'opposition demande un retour à la Constitution de 2004, compromis majeur accepté par le pro-occidental Viktor Iouchtchenko, sorti vainqueur de la Révolution orange qui avait fait de l'Ukraine une république parlementaire avec un puissant Premier ministre................

  7. Machtkampf in der Ukraine Weiter Unruhen statt Regierungsbeteiligung

    25.01.2014 · „Ein vergiftetes Angebot“ nennt Oppositionsführer Vitali Klitschko den Vorschlag, in die Regierung zu gehen. Präsident Janukowitsch wollte ihn zum Vize-Regierungschef machen. Statt dessen kam es wieder zu Ausschreitungen........

  8. Ukraine: Demonstranten räumen Rathaus in Kiew...

    Die Demonstranten beginnen mit der Räumung des Rathauses in Kiew und erfüllen damit eine zentrale Forderung von Präsident Janukowitsch. Dennoch ist eine weitere Massenkundgebung für Sonntag angekündigt.

    Zehntausende Regierungsgegner haben in der Ukraine mit Nachdruck einen Machtwechsel gefordert. Bei den erneuten Massenprotesten im Zentrum der Hauptstadt Kiew rief der Oppositionspolitiker Arseni Jazenjuk am Sonntag zur Gründung einer Parallelregierung auf. Aktivisten räumten zuvor nach wochenlanger Besetzung das Kiewer Rathaus.

    Mit der Räumung des Rathauses wird eine zentrale Forderung des umstrittenen Staatschefs Viktor Janukowitsch erfüllt. "Wenn die Behörden ihre Zusagen nicht einhalten, werden wir das Rathaus aber wieder stürmen", warnte der Protestführer Ruslan Andrijko. In der Früh strömten zunächst zahlreiche Demonstranten aus dem Rathaus heraus. Später übergab Andrijko das Gebäude in einer Zeremonie an die Behörden. Im Beisein des Schweizer Botschafters in der Ukraine, Christian Schoenenberger, wurde vor dem Rathaus ein Dokument zur Übergabe unterzeichnet.............

  9. Ukrainian opposition forming own cabinet, says oppositionist leader...

    KIEV, February 16, 17:03 /ITAR-TASS/. Ukraine’s irreconcilable opposition plans to set up a cabinet of ministers of its own, a regular Sunday “people’s viche” - an improvised popular decision-making assembly - was told Sunday afternoon by Arseny Yatsenyuk, a former speaker of the national parliament who currently leads the Batkivshchina (Fatherland) party parliamentary faction.

    “The opposition is setting up its own government upon a joint decision of its leaders and the former Prime Minister, Yulia Timoshenko,” he said.

    He confirmed in this connection that he had turned down President Yanukovich’s offer to take the post of Prime Minister.


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