Saturday, January 25, 2014

Syrie: achèvement de la première rencontre pouvoir-opposition à Genève

La première rencontre entre les délégations du gouvernement syrien et de l'opposition anti-Assad avec la participation de l'émissaire de l'Onu et de la Ligue arabe pour la Syrie Lakhdar Brahimi s'est achevée à Genève, a annoncé samedi à RIA Novosti une source au sein de la délégation de Damas.

"La rencontre n'a duré qu'un quart d'heure. Seul M.Brahimi est intervenu", a déclaré l'interlocuteur de l'agence.

Et d'ajouter que le chef de la délégation gouvernementale, le ministre syrien des Affaires étrangères Walid Mouallem n'avait pas participé au premier round de négociations.

Le 22 janvier, la ville suisse de Montreux a accueilli la conférence internationale sur le règlement de la crise syrienne dite Genève-2. Les négociations entre les délégations du pouvoir et l'opposition anti-Assad à Genève sont appelées à trouver une solution au conflit armé qui secoue la Syrie depuis bientôt trois ans et a déjà emporté, selon les Nations unies, plus de 100.000 vies.
Sur le même sujet:


  1. Brahimi: Syrian talks haven’t achieved much ....

    The first day of face-to-face talks between Syria’s rival sides did not yield substantial results, International mediator Lakhdar Brahimi told reports Saturday, adding that he hoped the discussions would eventually lead to aid supplies reaching the besieged city of Homs.

    “We haven’t achieved much but we are continuing,” Reuters quoted Brahimi as telling a news conference after two meetings between the government and opposition delegations at United Nations headquarters in Geneva.

    He said if an agreement could be reached on Sunday, a humanitarian convoy could move into Homs city the next day. He also said he planned to discuss on Sunday prisoner releases by the two sides. Brahimi said that he set out his plans in the morning meeting for the progress of the talks over the coming

    “The situation is very difficult and very, very complicated, and we are moving not in steps, but half-steps,” Brahimi said after a total of three hours acting as a buffer between the two sides.

    The veteran diplomat is hoping to broker an end to the civil war that has killed more than 130,000 people and devastated Syria.

    Louay Safi, spokesman of the Syrian National Coalition, said “introductory” discussions took place Saturday, which were the prelude for the start of negotiations Monday that will include the formation of a transitional government.

    The ongoing peace talks were built on the basis on what has been agreed in Geneva 1 in Switzerland.

    Safi emphasized that this includes the opening of humanitarian corridors and the release of 130,000 prisoners, including children and women.

    Meanwhile, Syria’s air force struck rebel-held areas around Damascus and Aleppo Saturday, a monitoring group said, as peace talks were ongoing.

    Government warplanes fired rockets at Qadam in southern Damascus and Talfita to its north, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Agence France-Presse quoted the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights as saying.

    Helicopters meanwhile struck Daraya, southwest of Damascus, using TNT-laden barrels, the Britain-based group with a network of sources inside the war-torn country added.

    Rebels battled troops loyal to President Bashar al-Assad on the frontlines surrounding several Damascus areas, including the besieged Yarmuk Palestinian refugee camp, it said.

    The meeting in Geneva came after months of intense diplomacy aimed at bringing the two warring sides together, but the persistent violence on the ground underscored the challenges ahead in trying to end the nearly three-year civil war.

    (With Reuters and AFP)

  2. Mediador de la ONU: No hemos logrado mucho por la paz en Siria ....

    Tras el primer encuentro entre la oposición y el Gobierno Sirio, el mediador de la ONU, Lakhdar Brahimi, recalcó que este sábado "no se ha logrado mucho" por la paz del país árabe pero destacó su esperanza de que "las conversaciones continúen avanzando". .........

  3. Lavrov: We Reject Negotiations with Terrorists...

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov rejected Sunday to hold dialogue with the terrorist groups fighting against the Syrian army on ground.

    “A dialogue with terrorist groups fighting in Syria will not be held under any circumstance,” he said.

    “We refuse holding a dialogue with terrorist groups, it is against our principles, and we didn't advice others to do that,” Lavrov told the Russian NTV channel in an interview.

    "The negotiation process has no room for groups like Jabhat al-Nusra (al-Nusra Front), the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) and other branches of al-Qaeda organization,” added.

    "Finding a solution for the humanitarian crisis in Syria will be sure to promote confidence in the Geneva II negotiations,” the Russian minister concluded.

    Lavrov reminded of the British Prime Minister's suggestion in G8 Summit held in North Ireland in June, 2013 in call for addressing the Syrian Government and the opposition for cooperation to eradicate terrorism from the country.

    He clarified that eradicating terrorism is gaining more interest on the list of priorities, taking into consideration the scale of the terrorist threat in Syria which reached Iraq, as terrorists of the so-called "the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham" are launching terrorist attacks in the country.

    Lavrov added that reaching a political accord between the government and the national secular opposition, in addition to helping them unite in the face of terrorism in parallel to the political settlement is the aspired goal.

    "Many inquiries are supposed to be directed to 'the Islamic Front' which has been founded recently combining two or three groups involved in Adra massacre, so it is hard to be conceived as part of peace talks," the Russian foreign Minister said adding "we should not say that it is possible to negotiate with gunmen just because they moved to 'the Islamic Front'."

    Lavrov expressed conviction that settling humanitarian issues would consolidate trust between the Syrian parties through the ongoing negotiations in Geneva.

  4. Russia Backs Idea of Anti-Islamist Alliance in Syria – Lavrov...

    MOSCOW, January 26 (RIA Novosti) – Official Moscow supports a proposed alliance between the Syrian regime and moderate opposition against the Islamists, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

    Prominent Syrian Islamist groups such as the al-Qaida-affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant “have no place in negotiations,” Lavrov said on NTV television.

    “Our goal is to facilitate some political agreement between the [Syrian] government and sane, secular, patriotic opposition and parallel to political reconciliation to help them unite to fight these terrorists,” Lavrov said in the interview, broadcasted Sunday.

    Syrian opposition and the government of President Bashar Assad are currently locked in high-tension talks at the Geneva-2 conference in the Swiss city of Montreux.

    Assad’s government has called for an anti-Islamist alliance shortly after moderates in the opposition clashed with Muslim radicals on the ground earlier this month, leaving hundreds dead.

    The majority of radical Islamist groups in Syria have rejected Geneva-2 and threatened violence against participants............

  5. Aid convoys will reach Homs Monday, women and children may leave district - Brahimi

    The first convoy to reach the northern city of Homs is expected to reach the besieged city as early as Monday after the Syrian government agreed to allow access to the city, UN Special envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, announced.

    Brahimi said that official Damascus has agreed to allow hundreds of tons of medical and food aid into Homs. The UN envoy also hoped that both sides of the conflict would be able to make " a general statement about the way forward" at the upcoming political talks on Monday.

    It has also been reported that the Syrian government delegation at peace talks in Geneva had announced the authorities would allow women and children to leave the besieged old district of Homs city straight away.

    "What we have been told by the government side is that women and children in the besieged area of the old city are welcome to leave immmediately," Brahimi told a news conference after talks with governent and opposition delegations.

    The veteran diplomat said the opposition delegation, which has been calling on the government to release tens of thousands of detainees, had agreed to a government request to provide a list of detainees held by armed rebel groups.

    Brahimi also said he would meet the two sides jointly on Monday, when they are expected to discuss opposition demands for the creation of a transitional executive body.

    Voice of Russia, RIA, Reuters
    Read more:

  6. Le régime syrien autorise femmes et enfants à quitter le centre de Homs...

    Le régime du président syrien Bachar al-Assad a autorisé les femmes et les enfants assiégés depuis des mois dans le centre de Homs (centre) à quitter la ville, a indiqué dimanche le médiateur de l'ONU Lakhdar Brahimi.

    "Le gouvernement syrien nous a dit que les femmes et les enfants peuvent partir immédiatement", a déclaré M. Brahimi lors d'une conférence de presse au 2e jour des négociations sur le conflit syrien. "Il y a un espoir que dès demain, femmes et enfants pourront quitter la vieille ville de Homs".

    La création d'un "corridor humanitaire" permettant aux civils de quitter la ville est l'une des revendications faites samedi soir par les opposants aux régime du président Bachar el-Assad. Ils attribuent à ce corridor une valeur de "test".
    RTBF avec Belga

  7. El diálogo de paz sirio alcanza el primer acuerdo real en medio de un clima tenso y acusaciones cruzadas...

    El mediador de las negociaciones entre el gobierno y la oposición sirios, Lakhdar Brahimi, anunció desde Ginebra que el gobierno sirio se comprometió a permitir la salida inmediata de las mujeres y los niños de Homs, mientras que pidió a la oposición una lista con los nombres de los otros civiles atrapados allí.

    Según explicó el enviado de la ONU, Damasco quiere asegurarse que los que salgan de la sitiada ciudad sean realmente civiles y no combatientes de la insurgencia, informó la agencia de noticias EFE.

    Brahimi reconoció que se trata de un acuerdo mucho más limitado que el que esperaba -la ONU había pedido el ingreso a la ciudad de un convoy con ayuda humanitaria-, sin embargo, destacó que "sacar a Siria del pozo en el que ha caído tomará tiempo".....................

  8. Genève II: blocage dans les discussions politiques...

    Les émissaires de Bachar al-Assad et de l'opposition, réunis à Genève pour des négociations de paix, sont arrivés lundi à un blocage en tentant de discuter de la question explosive du transfert de pouvoir, ont indiqué des sources des deux délégations.

    "Les discussions n'ont pas été constructives aujourd'hui en raison de l'attitude du régime qui a voulu dévier des discussions qui devaient porter sur l'application de Genève I", le texte rédigé en juin 2012 par les grandes puissances, a déclaré Rima Fleyhane, membre de la délégation de l'opposition. Une source proche de la délégation du régime a indiqué à l'AFP que "l'opposition avait rejeté la feuille de travail (présentée par Damas) et avait demandé qu'on parle uniquement de l'organe gouvernemental de transition". Le médiateur de l'ONU, Lakhdar Brahimi, a alors levé la séance, selon cette source.

  9. Syria peace talks hit more trouble as rebel city 'starves'...

    Reuters) - The United States on Monday demanded that Syria allow aid into the "starving" city of Homs, as talks aimed at ending three years of civil war hit more trouble over the future of President Bashar al-Assad.

    The Syrian government said women and children could leave the besieged city and that rebels should hand over the names of the men who would remain, but a U.S. State Department spokesman said an evacuation was not an alternative to immediate aid.

    "We firmly believe that the Syrian regime must approve the convoys to deliver badly needed humanitarian assistance into the Old City of Homs now," said spokesman Edgar Vasquez. "The situation is desperate and the people are starving."

    He said the people of Homs must not be forced to leave their homes and split up their families before receiving aid.

    After long months of fighting, much of Syria's third biggest city has been reduced to rubble.

    The U.N. mediator said he hoped Monday's talks in Geneva could tackle the central issue that divides the two sides - Syria's political future and that of Assad - but both sides immediately adopted entrenched positions.

    Syria's government delegation presented a document for negotiation which did not mention a transition of power, Syrian television said.

    The government's "declaration of basic principles" said Syrians would choose a political system without "imposed formulas" from abroad, an apparent reference to Western and regional demands that Assad step down.

    The opposition, which wants Assad to quit as part of arrangements for a transitional government, immediately rejected the proposal................

  10. Syrian presidential advisor calls today's talks 'positive'...

    Syrian Presidential Advisor Buseyna Saban on Wednesday said today’s talks have been positive.

    "The talks have been positive today because they spoke about Geneva I," Saban said at a press conference on Wednesday morning.

    "The only difference between us (the regime and the opposition) is that we want to discuss Geneva I, item by item. From the start, they’ve wanted to jump right to negotiations about being in power," Saban said.

    Saban said Brahimi would have the group discuss terrorism as it is one of the most critical issues on the agenda.

  11. Syrie: les pourparlers continuent à Genève sous l'égide de l'ONU ...

    Les discussions continuent jeudi entre représentants de l'opposition et du gouvernement syriens sous l'égide du médiateur de l'ONU Lakhdar Brahimi, qui a estimé mercredi que la glace était en train de se rompre entre ses interlocuteurs.

    L'opposition syrienne a évoqué un "pas en avant", mais M. Brahimi a averti qu'il ne fallait pas s'attendre à un résultat d'ici vendredi, date prévue pour la fin de ce premier round de pourparlers.

    "Pour parler franchement, je ne m'attends pas à réussir quoi que ce soit de substantiel. J'espère que la deuxième session sera plus structurée et plus productive que la première", a déclaré mercredi M. Brahimi.

    "Je ne suis pas déçu, je n'attendais pas un résultat, mais que nous nous parlions ( ...) je suis satisfait que nous continuions à discuter, que la glace soit en train de se briser", a souligné le diplomate octogénaire.

    La session actuelle, entamée samedi, doit s'achever vendredi avec la fixation de la date des pourparlers suivants, probablement une semaine plus tard.

    Régime et opposition se rencontrent pour la première depuis le début de la guerre il y a près de trois ans et qui continue de faire rage en Syrie.

    Mercredi, 13 personnes ont été tuées par l'aviation du régime qui a lâché des barils d'explosifs sur des secteurs rebelles d'Alep, dans le nord.

    En outre, l'armée turque a ouvert le feu mardi dans le nord de la Syrie sur un convoi de véhicules appartenant à l'État islamique en Irak et au Levant (EIIL), un groupe jihadiste proche d'al-Qaïda, a annoncé mercredi soir l'état-major turc.

    Encore un grand écart

    En Suisse, l'opposition a indiqué que le régime avait "finalement accepté de parler dans le cadre" de Genève I, document signé en juin 2012 par les grandes puissances et qui prévoit une autorité gouvernementale de transition en Syrie.

    "Je pense que nous avons accompli quelques progrès aujourd'hui en mettant les négociations dans la bonne voie", a estimé un membre de la délégation de l'opposition, Louai Safi............


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