Thursday, January 23, 2014

EU droht Janukowitsch mit ernsten Konsequenzen...

Kommissionspräsident José Manuel Barroso fordert die ukrainische Führung auf, Bürgerrechte nicht weiter mit Füßen zu treten – und kündigt eine diplomatische Offensive an.

Von Florian Eder
Die EU-Kommission droht der ukrainischen Führung mit Konsequenzen: "Wenn es keine Veränderung in Fragen der Menschen- und Bürgerrechte gibt, wenn die Polizeigewalt gegen Demonstranten nicht aufhört, wird das ernste Konsequenzen für die Beziehungen der Ukraine zur EU haben", sagte Barroso der "Welt". Das habe er "in der schärfstmöglichen Formulierung" auch Präsident Viktor Janukowitsch in einem Telefonat am Donnerstag mitgeteilt.

Die EU verlangt von Janukowitsch zudem "Gespräche mit der Opposition ohne Vorbedingungen". Mit der Eskalation der Gewalt gegen Demonstranten in den vergangenen Tagen bringt die ukrainische Führung die westliche Welt gegen sich auf. Die EU fühlt sich allein deswegen in der Pflicht, weil die Demonstranten ja eine Annäherung ihres Landes an Europa fordern und dafür Gefahren für Leib und Leben auf sich nehmen. "Gewalt ist keine Lösung für die politische Situation der Ukraine", sagte Barroso.

So ließen die ersten Todesopfer der Proteste in dieser Woche Staaten und die EU-Kommission aufschrecken, denn spätestens damit zerbarsten die Hoffnungen auf eine friedliche Veränderung in der Ukraine. Auch Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel appellierte nach der Kabinettsklausur in Meseberg an Janukowitsch. "Wir erwarten von der ukrainischen Regierung, dass sie die demokratischen Freiheiten – insbesondere die Möglichkeit zu friedlichen Demonstrationen – sichert, dass sie Leben schützt, dass Gewaltanwendung nicht stattfindet", sagte Merkel........

mehr zum Thema:



  1. EN DIRECT. Ukraine : Hollande condamne "avec fermeté les violences"....

    Depuis dimanche, la situation est très tendue à Kiev, où les affrontements à coups de cocktails Molotov, tirs de balles en caoutchouc et grenades assourdissantes n'ont quasiment pas cessé entre les manifestants pro-européens et les forces de l'ordre.
    Deux hommes ont été tués par balles dans la zone du centre de Kiev, a indiqué le Parquet général ukrainien. L'opposition évoque une troisième victime qui aurait fait une chute mortelle.
    François Hollande a exprimé "sa vive préoccupation" et l'Union européenne a avertit l'Ukraine de "possibles actions".

    20h10 - Le Premier ministre ukrainien n'est plus invité au Forum de Davos ......

  2. Polit-Krise in der Ukraine: "Janukowitsch muss gehen, dann gehen wir"...

    Wie geht es weiter in der Ukraine? Es gibt Hoffnungen auf Verhandlungen zwischen den Konfliktparteien. Doch in den Trümmern des tagelangen Straßenkampfs rüsten sich die Demonstranten für die nächsten Schlachten mit der Polizei.

    Für einen, der dauernd von einem Waffenstillstand redet, sieht Wladimir ziemlich martialisch aus. Mit einem Stahlhelm auf dem Kopf und Gasmaske vor dem Gesicht steht der 37-Jährige vor dem ausgebrannten Gerippe eines Busses am Ende der Gruschewski-Straße, mitten in der ukrainischen Hauptstadt Kiew................

  3. Bulgarians Rally at Ukrainian Embassy in Support of Pro-EU Protest ....

    Bulgarians are staging Thursday evening a protest rally in front of the Ukrainian Embassy in the capital Sofia.

    "In Ukraine, the power crossed all boundaries and started killing protesters with whom we lead a similar struggle for values and morals. Let us honor the memory of Ukrainians who perished in it by lighting candles in front of the Ukrainian Embassy in Sofia. Because those killed in Kiev are one of us, the people, pushed to the wall, "wrote the organizers of the event "Support Free Ukraine" on Facebook.

    The protest started at 5:30 pm. Several hundreds have gathered, shouting, holding banners and lighting candles under the careful watch of 100 riot police, who are not interfering.

    It was announced meanwhile that the Ukrainian Parliament will hold an emergency session on January 28 to discuss possible resignation of the embattled government.
    - See more at:

  4. Extraordinary session of Ukraine’s parliament to convene on January 28 to discuss crisis...

    KIEV, January 23, 22:45 /ITAR-TASS/. The Ukrainian parliament will gather for an extraordinary session on January 28 this year, the Ukrainian parliament’s press service reported on Thursday.

    The session is due to start at 12:00 Moscow time.

    “The Ukrainian parliament has registered the initiative of people’s deputies which is in line with the country’s Constitution. In this connection, the parliament’s speaker announces that an extraordinary session of Ukrainian parliament of the 7th convocation will meet on Tuesday, January 28,” the parliament says in its report.

    Earlier on Thursday, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich launched an initiative to hold an extraordinary parliamentary session. He said the parliament should consider issues related to the current political situation in Russia.

    “Mass riots that took place recently were accompanied by violence, bloodshed and arsons. In short, the situation is calling for immediate settlement,” the Russian president emphasized.

  5. Ukrainian opposition rejects government's terms, promises to continue talks ...

    The leaders of the Ukrainian opposition after addressing the crowd on Independence Square in Kiev rejected the proposed terms by the authorities and announced their intention to continue negotiations, states Batkivshina and Svoboda parties' websites.

    - Kiev: standoff between police and opposition continues. LIVE UPDATES

    During the second round of talks with the opposition, President Viktor Yanukovych has proposed to stop the use of force and ensure to release those detained during the riots, and to soften a preventive measure if the protesters on Grushevskoho street disperse.

    Opposition leaders announced that only after "public consultation" they would tell whether they accept these conditions.

    The leader of the nationalist party Svoboda Oleg Tyahnibok forwarded the message to those gathered on Independence Square and asked whether they accept it, but the majority voted against, states the Svoboda website.

    Opposition leaders agreed with the decision to stay gathered on the street, but required to maintain discipline and order.

    Yatsenyuk said that the opposition would continue to negotiate with the government, "in order to achieve real results."

    Tyahnibok said earlier that the negotiations would continue on Friday morning.

    In addition, Yatsenyuk announced the decision "to expand the territory down to Instytutskaya and Olginskaya street."

    Ukrainian Justice Minister Yelena Lukash said earlier the talks would continue Friday or Saturday. She, too, took part in the four-hours-long meeting between President Viktor Yanukovich and the oppositionists - Vitaly Klichko, the former parliament speaker Arseny Yatsenyuk, and the leader of the far-right nationalistic Svoboda party, Oleg Tyagnybok.

    Other officials present at the conference table were Andrei Kliuyev, the Secretary of the National Security Council, and Andrei Portnov, a presidential adviser.

    Lukash said that the opposition leaders had once again refused to denounce the actions of extremists or the seizures of buildings of regional and local agencies of power committed by agitated crowds in a number of western and central regions of the country on Thursday.

    Nor did the leading oppositionists give a clear answer to whether or not they were going - or were able - to take control of the haphazard course of events unfolding in Kiev.

    Ukrainian opposition leaders agreed with President Yanukovych on armistice and release of detainees

    Ukrainian opposition leaders, Vitali Klitschko and Oleg Tyahnibok told the crowd on Grushevskoho street that they reached an agreement with President Viktor Yanukovych regarding armistice: the parties will cease the use of force and the Ministry of Interior Affairs will release detained during the riots.

    Klitschko stated that according to the agreements with Yanukovych and the head of Minister of Interior Affairs, Vitaly Zakharchenko, military actions will be ceased and they will publicly declare the release of all detainees, and in return, the protesters should also refrain from using force.........Read more:

  6. Ashton to meet with Ukrainian president, opposition leaders ....

    The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Baroness Catherine Ashton, has said that she continues to closely follow the situation in Kiev and plans to meet with Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and opposition leaders.

    "I am convinced that, in light of the violent escalation of events, the European Union has to reinforce the efforts in support of the political solution to the current crisis," Ashton said in a statement, circulated in Brussels on Thursday evening.

    All diplomatic means have been engaged in these efforts, she said.

    On Friday, the EU Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy, Stefan Fule, will visit Kiev on Ashton's behalf and on behalf of European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, she added.

    "I am pleased that a delegation of the European Parliament will travel to Ukraine early next week. I will be going to Kiev myself next week to meet with President Yanukovych as well as opposition leaders," Ashton said.

    "It is imperative to avoid further worsening of the situation and to pave the way for a genuine dialogue between the authorities, the opposition and civil society," she said.

    "Only an inclusive dialogue offers a viable way forward. The doors to dialogue and a political solution have to be kept open," she added.

    Catherine Ashton to visit Kiev next week - EU Commission official

    Catherine Ashton, high representative of the European union for foreign affairs and security policy and vice-president of the European Commission, will visit Kiev next week, European Commission official Olivier Bailly told a press conference in Brussels on Thursday.

    Voice of Russia, Interfax
    Read more:

  7. Ukraine's oppositionist Klichko calls for a general strike...

    KIEV, January 24, 6:43 /ITAR-TASS/. Vitaly Klichko, leader of the party "UDAR" (Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reforms), when speaking before opposition supporters who gathered in Independence Square here early Friday, called for a "general strike".

    "Today's authorities have got to face a general strike! If we stick together, it will be impossible to defeat us. We shall live in a new Ukraine already this year," the oppositionist declared.

    Klichko's speech was accompanied with calls "to launch an attack" and "go only forward".

    Opposition leaders continue to addresss those present, telling them about the outcome of talks with President Viktor Yanukovich. Their speeches are interrupted by protesters' shouts and whistling.

  8. Ukraine : Ianoukovitch promet un remaniement ministériel mardi prochain...

    Les manifestants ont finit pas obtenir ce qu’ils demandaient. La crise qui secoue l’Ukraine depuis plusieurs semaines va conduire à un remaniement du gouvernement. Le président ukrainien Viktor Ianoukovitch l’a annoncé vendredi, après un entretien avec le commissaire européen à l’élargissement Stefan.

    « Nous allons prendre une décision lors de cette session (mardi) », a dit Viktor Ianoukovitch, cité par Interfax. « Le président signera un décret et remaniera le gouvernement pour trouver une équipe ministérielle la plus professionnelle possible. »

    Des amendements aux lois anti-protestation controversées seront également votés à l’occasion d’une session extraordinaire du Parlement, annoncée pour la semaine prochaine.

    Le président Viktor Ianoukovitch a également prévenu qu’il emploierait « tous les moyens légaux » à sa disposition s’il ne trouvait pas de solution à la crise avec l’opposition.................

  9. Ukraine crisis: Yanukovych 'concessions' fail to end unrest...

    Violence has continued in the Ukrainian capital Kiev, after President Viktor Yanukovych promised to make concessions to try to end the country's crisis.

    Huge fires burned in the city centre overnight as protesters threw rocks, fireworks and petrol bombs at police, who responded with tear gas.

    Mr Yanukovych pledged to amend anti-protest laws and reshuffle the cabinet.

    But opposition leader Vitaly Klitschko said the protesters now wanted the president to resign.................

  10. Ukraine's Concessions Fail to Sway Opposition Protesters, New Fighting Erupts ....

    Embattled Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, facing massive anti-government protests in Kyiv and regional capitals, has agreed to re-shuffle his government and amend controversial new anti-protest laws.

    The concessions were revealed Friday; but, hours later, television footage showed huge fireballs lighting up the night sky in central Kyiv. Witnesses said angry protesters entrenched behind huge barricades threw firebombs and rocks at police, who responded with tear gas.

    The fighting had stopped at midweek, with a truce called after at least three protesters battling police died -- two of them by gunfire.

    Ongoing talks between the president and opposition leaders were expected to have stretched through the weekend, but it was not clear early Saturday what impact the new rioting would have on the talks.

    Opposition leaders are demanding the resignation of the government of Prime Minister Mykola Azarov, early presidential elections and the lifting of recently-imposed restrictions on protests..........


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