Thursday, June 6, 2024

Ukrainian drone attacks oil storage facility in borderline Belgorod region — governor

The armed forces of Ukraine attacked an oil storage facility in the borderline Russian region of Belgorod with a loitering munition, Belgorod Region Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov wrote on Telegram.

"The armed forces of Ukraine used a kamikaze drone to attack an oil base on the territory of the Stary Oskol urban district. As a result, a storage tank caught fire. Four fire crews quickly put it out," he said.

"Windows of a nearby guards post were smashed by the shockwave. No casualties were reported," the governor added.


  1. A fire was sparked by a drone attack on an oil refinery in Novoshakhtinsk, a city in south Russia’s Rostov Region, Governor Vasily Golubev said.

    "As a result of a drone attack, a fire broke out at the Novoshakhtink Oil Processing Plant. First responders are working at the scene. Information about casualties is now being verified," the governor wrote on his Telegram channel.

    Firefighting effort paused due to another attack, Golubev said.

  2. The Novasakhtinsk refinery, considered one of the most important oil facilities in southern Russia, is about ten kilometers east of the border with Ukraine and is often the target of Ukrainian attacks.

    Another drone strike destroyed an oil tank at a storage facility in Stari Askol, north of the border, overnight, Belgorod regional governor Vychislav Gladkov said. The fire was "quickly extinguished" and "there are no casualties".

  3. В селе Грузское Борисовского района Белгородской области боевики Вооруженных сил Украины (ВСУ) дважды атаковали территорию сельхозпредприятия. Об этом 6 июня сообщил губернатор региона Вячеслав Гладков.

    «В селе Грузское Борисовского района ВСУ дважды атаковали территорию сельхозпредприятия — с беспилотников были сброшены взрывные устройства. В результате один грузовой автомобиль загорелся, второй — серьезно поврежден, без возгорания», — говорится в сообщении в Telegram-канале.

    Согласно предварительной информации, пострадавших нет. Сотрудники оперативных служб начнут ликвидировать последствия после согласования с Министерством обороны РФ.

  4. The fire at the Novoshakhtinsky oil refinery in the Rostov region was localized to an area of ​​100 square meters, regional governor Vasily Golubev reported on his Telegram channel.
    Earlier, Golubev reported about a fire at the Novoshakhtinsky oil refinery after a UAV attack.

  5. В течение прошедшей ночи дежурными средствами ПВО перехвачено и уничтожено тринадцать украинских БПЛА над территорией Республики Крым, шесть БПЛА над Белгородской областью и одна противокорабельная ракета «Нептун» над территорией Ростовской области.


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