Saturday, February 10, 2024

Russian Military Says Prevented Kiev's Attack on Civilian Ships in Black Sea

The Russian navy foiled an attempted attack on February 9 by Kiev on Russian civilian transport ships with the use of unmanned semi-submersible boats in the southwestern region of the Black Sea, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Saturday.

"On the evening of February 9, 2024, the Kiev regime carried out an attempted terrorist attack on Russian civilian transport vessels in the southwestern region of the Black Sea using semi-submersible unmanned boats," the ministry said.

Russian navy patrol boats and fleet aviation stopped the attack, the ministry said, adding that as a result, a Ukrainian unmanned boat had been destroyed and other boats had been stopped by electronic warfare systems.

At the same time, no civilian transport ships or ships of the Russian navy were damaged, the Russian military stated.

1 comment :

  1. Вечером 9 февраля Киев осуществил попытку террористической атаки на российские гражданские транспортные суда в юго-западном районе Черного моря с применением полупогружных безэкипажных катеров. Об этом сообщили в Министерстве обороны России.

    Как уточнили в оборонном ведомстве, для отражения нападения были задействованы патрульные корабли и авиация Военно-морского флота РФ, которые выполняли задачи в данном районе.


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