Saturday, December 30, 2023

Over 60 buildings damaged in Belgorod,Russia after Ukraine’s shelling attack

Sixty-one buildings have been damaged in Belgorod as a result of a massive shelling attack by Ukrainian troops, governor of the Belgorod Region Vyacheslav Gladkov said.

"According to verified information about the consequences of yesterday’s shelling attack on the city of Belgorod, damage was revealed in 55 single-family houses, one apartment, two auxiliary buildings, and three social facilities, including an in-door football hall, a recreational center, and a private kindergarten. Apart from that, damage was done to 27 cars," he wrote on his Telegram channel.

Thirteen missiles were shot down by air defense systems in Belgorod late on Friday. One person was killed, four more, including a child, were wounded.


  1. A massive shelling attack on Belgorod by Ukrainian troops was followed by fires, which were put out shortly after, the press service of the Russian emergencies ministry told TASS.

    "Following the massive strike on civilian infrastructure facilities in Belgorod from Ukraine, the rescue service received information about ten fires and about civilian casualties as a result of the shelling attack. Rescue teams were sent to the sites immediately. By now, all the fires have been extinguished," it said.

    Downtown Belgorod came under a massive shelling attack by Ukrainian troops on Saturday. According to the latest data, at least two children were killed in the strike. Several people were wounded.

  2. Al menos dos niños muertos y varios heridos tras bombardeo ucraniano de la ciudad rusa de Bélgorod

  3. Украинские террористы ударили из РЗСО по мирным кварталам Белгорода

  4. По последним данным, при обстреле Белгорода погибли 9 взрослых и 1 ребенок. Еще 45 человек пострадали. Ранее губернатор Белгородской области Вячеслав Гладков сообщил, что в городе была запущена сирена ракетной опасности, и призвал жителей спуститься в укрытие. Для пострадавших запущена горячая линия по номеру "112".

  5. Число погибших в результате обстрела Белгорода возросло до 13


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