Sunday, November 19, 2023

Yemeni Navy Detains Israeli Ship in Red Sea: Ship seized by Houthi in Gulf of Aden is not Israeli, no Israelis among crew

Multiple news sources have confirmed the Yemeni Navy's detention of an Israeli ship in the Red Sea.

Al Arabiya revealed that the vessel, identified as the "Galaxy Leader" affiliated with the Zionist regime, was apprehended by Yemen's Ansarullah movement with 22 passengers onboard. Furthermore, Al Mayadeen news network, citing its own sources, announced the detainment of an Israeli ship carrying 52 passengers.

Yemeni sources corroborated this information, affirming to Al Mayadeen that the Yemeni Navy had successfully detained the Israeli ship in the Red Sea.


  •  The Galaxy Leader cargo ship that was captured by the Houthi in the Gulf of Aden is not an Israeli ship and there are no Israelis among its crewmembers, the Israeli Defense Forces (IFD) said on Sunday.

"The hijacking of a cargo ship by the Houthis near Yemen in the southern Red Sea is a very grave incident of global consequence. The ship departed Turkey on its way to India, staffed by civilians of various nationalities, not including Israelis. It is not an Israeli ship," it stressed.


  1. Israel said on Sunday that Yemen's Houthis had seized a British-owned and Japanese-operated cargo ship in the southern Red Sea, describing the incident as an "Iranian act of terrorism" with consequences for international maritime security.

    The Houthis, an ally of Tehran, have been launching long-range missile and drone salvoes at Israel in solidarity with the Palestinian Hamas militants it has been battling in the Gaza Strip since October 7.

    Last week, the Houthi leader said his forces would make further attacks on Israel and they could target Israeli ships in the Red Sea and the Bab al-Mandeb Strait.

  2. Армия обороны Израиля ЦАХАЛ отреагировала на захват йеменскими хуситами-повстанцами корабля Galaxy Leader в Аденском заливе Красного моря со ссылкой на представителя армии.

    «Захват грузового судна хуситами вблизи Йемена на юге Красного моря является очень серьезным событием глобального уровня», - сказано в пресс-службе ЦАХАЛ в Telegram-канале.

    По его словам, корабль направлялся в Индию из Турции с международным гражданским экипажем. Это не израильский корабль, а на борту не было израильтян, уточняется в сообщении.

  3. Израиль осудил захват йеменскими хуситами судна Galaxy Leader в Красном море и возложил вину на Иран, заявили в канцелярии премьера страны Биньямина Нетаньяху.


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