Sunday, November 29, 2020

Boko Haram kills 44 farmers in Nigeria - AA

At least 44 farmers were killed Saturday by Boko Haram terrorists in northeastern Nigeria, according to representatives from the village where the attack occurred.
Former head of Borno Farmers Union Hassan Zabarmari said farmers working in rice fields in the Garin Kwashebe village of Borno state were attacked by the terror group.

He noted several others were injured.


  1. British Foreign Minister Dominic Raab said on Sunday he was concerned about the situation in Iran and the region after the killing of a top Iranian scientist.

    “We are concerned about the situation in Iran and the wider region we do want to see de-escalation of tensions,” Raab told Sky News after Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was killed by terrorists in an ambush near Tehran on Friday.

    He added, “We’re still waiting to see the full facts to address the full facts of what’s happened in Iran but I would say that we stick to the rule of international humanitarian law which is very clear against targeting civilians”.

  2. Au moins 110 civils ont été tués samedi dans l’attaque par des hommes armés d’agriculteurs dans le village de Koshobe, dans le nord-est du Nigeria, en proie à une insurrection jihadiste depuis 2009, selon un nouveau bilan communiqué par l’ONU.


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