Sunday, December 13, 2015

Turkey’s military presence in Iraq is hard by be justified

The scale of Turkey’s military presence in northern Iraq cannot be justified by the tasks of training any local groups, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said on Sunday.

"We think that Turkey’s actions in northern Iraq are illegal. It is an invasion into a neighboring state," he said. "Moreover, the scale of these actions cannot be justified by any training-related argument."

The Russian diplomat said that Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavasoglu had also taken part in the Rome conference on Libya. However he said he had had no bilateral contacts with the Turkish foreign minister on the sidelines of the conference.

On Saturday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had a telephone conversation with his Iraqi counterpart Ibrahim al-Jafari to express support to the sovereignty of that country in the context of Turkey’s illegal deployment of its military contingent in that country. "The Russian side expressed resolute and principled position in support of Iraq’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and to the actions the Iraqi authorities are taking in this situation in conformity with international law and the United Nations Charter," the Russian foreign ministry said.



1 comment :

  1. Moskau: Türkische Invasion in Nord-Irak ist gesetzwidrig...

    Russland bewertet das Vorgehen der Türkei im Norden des Iraks als gesetzwidrig. Wie der russische Vizeaußenminister Gennadi Gatilow betonte, gibt es kaum Argumente, die die Invasion rechtfertigen könnten.

    „Wir sind der Ansicht, dass das, was im Norden des Iraks geschieht, ein gesetzwidriges Vorgehen der Türkei darstellt“, sagte er vor Journalisten. „Die Invasion in einen Nachbarstaat, dazu noch in solchen Ausmaßen, lässt sich kaum mit Ausbildung, Training usw. rechtfertigen. Deshalb ruft es bei uns Besorgnis hervor.“

    Dieses Vorgehen Ankaras „erschwert die ohnehin komplizierte und angespannte Lage in der Region“, fügte er hinzu.


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