Saturday, October 3, 2015

Nine MSF staff killed in bombing of hospital in Kunduz, as NATO admits it may have been involved.

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) says at least nine of its staff have been killed in an overnight bombing of a hospital in the embattled Afghan city of Kunduz.

Another 37 people were wounded in the attack, including 19 MSF staff, the medical charity told Al Jazeera.

NATO said on Friday that a US air strike "may have" hit the hospital, which is run by the medical charity, adding that the attack may have resulted in collateral damage.

The MSF hospital is seen as a key medical lifeline in Kunduz, which has been running "beyond capacity" in recent days of fighting which saw the Taliban seize control of the provincial capital for several days.

The trauma centre is the only medical facility in the region that can deal with major injuries.

"At 2:10 am (20:40 GMT) local time ... the MSF trauma centre in Kunduz was hit several times during sustained bombing and was very badly damaged," MSF said in a statement on Friday.

At the time of the bombing, 105 patients and their caretakers and more than 80 MSF international and national staff were present in the hospital, the charity said.

NATO investigation

NATO said in a statement that US forces conducted an air strike in Kunduz at 2:15am local time "against individuals threatening the force".

"The strike may have resulted in collateral damage to a nearby medical facility. This incident is under investigation," the statement said.

MSF said it gave the coordinates of the hospital to Afghan and US forces several times to avoid being caught in crossfire.

"As MSF does in all conflict contexts, these precise locations were communicated to all parties on multiple occasions over the past months, including most recently on 29 September," according to MSF Afghanistan representatives.

The bombing reportedly continued for more than 30 minutes after US and Afghan military offices in Kabul and Washington were first informed.

"MSF urgently seeks clarity on exactly what took place and how this terrible event could have happened," MSF said.

After the attack, the medical charity urged all parties involved in the violence to respect the safety of health facilities, patients and staff.

Speaking to Al Jazeera, Taliban spokesperson Zabiullah Mujahid said that no Taliban fighters were present in the hospital at the time of the air strike.

"We condemn the bombing on the hospital. It was an attack carried out on innocent people." Zabiullah told Al Jazeera.

"Our mujahedeen (fighters) were not treated at the MSF trauma centre due to prevailing military conditions. Such attacks by US forces have taken place in Afghanistan for years now. This very attack has once again exposed the ruthless colors of the invaders to the Afghans," he added.................

  • Afghanistan, NATO ammette di aver colpito per errore ospedale di “Medici Senza Frontiere”... 


  1. US-Luftwaffe bombardiert Klinik trotz bekannter Geodaten...

    30 Minuten bombardierte die Nato Kundus - darunter ein Traumazentrum der Organisation Ärzte ohne Grenzen. Der US-Luftwaffe der Standpunkt sogar bekannt. Mindestens neun Menschen starben.

    Bei einem wahrscheinlich von US-Streitkräften ausgeführten Bombenangriff im nordafghanischen Kundus sind in einem Krankenhaus der Organisation Ärzte ohne Grenzen mindestens neun Klinikmitarbeiter getötet worden. Weitere 37 Menschen wurden demnach schwer verletzt, wie die Organisation am Samstag mitteilte. Unter den Schwerverletzten seien 19 Mitarbeiter des Krankenhauses. Die Opferzahl könne sich noch erhöhen, hieß

  2. The medical charity Médecins Sans Frontières has condemned "in the strongest possible terms" air strikes on its hospital in the Afghan city of Kunduz...

    MSF said frantic staff phoned military officials at NATO in Kabul and Washington as bombs rained on their hospital for nearly an hour.

    The death toll from the suspected US air strikes on the hospital rose to nine today, with 37 others wounded and many still unaccounted for, the charity said..........

  3. Les frappes aériennes sur un hôpital de MSF à Kunduz sont "inexcusables", selon l'ONU ...

    Une frappe aérienne américaine "pourrait avoir" touché le centre de soins de MSF dans la ville de Kunduz en Afghanistan dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi. Ce bombardement a tué 12 employés de MSF et 7 patients dont trois enfants, selon l'ONG.

    Le centre de soins de Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) à Kunduz, ville afghane reprise aux Taliban par l'armée, a été "fortement endommagé" dans la nuit du vendredi 2 octobre au samedi 3 octobre par un bombardement qui a tué 12 employés de MSF et 7 patients dont trois enfants. Près de 37 personnes ont été gravement blessées et de nombreuses autres "manquent toujours à l'appel" a indiqué MSF dans son dernier bilan.

    Cet incident "pourrait" être la conséquence d'une frappe américaine, selon l'Otan. L'hôpital a continué à être bombardé "pendant plus de 30 minutes" après que l'ONG a averti les armées américaine et afghane que son établissement avait été touché par une première frappe dans la nuit, a assuré


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