Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Russia and NATO preparing for possible confrontation (European analysts)

The report emphasizes the large scale of military exercises being conducted. Thus, Russian ‘snap exercises’ conducted in March 2015 brought together 80,000 military personnel, 12,000 units of heavy weapons, 65 ships, 15 submarines and 220 aircraft.

NATO ‘Allied Shield’ exercise conducted in June 2015 brought under one framework four distinct exercises taking place along the Eastern flank of the Alliance, totaling 15,000 personnel from 19 members states and three partner states.

Both exercises show that each side is training with the other side’s capabilities and most likely war plans in mind, the analysts noted in the report.

At this, they say these facts do not suggest that the leadership of either side has made a decision to go to war or that a military conflict between the two is inevitable, but that the changed profile of exercises is a fact and it does play a role in sustaining the current climate of tensions in Europe.

"Whilst spokespeople may maintain that these operations are targeted against hypothetical opponents, the nature and scale of them indicate otherwise: Russia is preparing for a conflict with NATO, and NATO is preparing for a possible confrontation with Russia," the report says.

According to NATO Deputy Spokesperson Carmen Romero, Russia announced over 4,000 exercises for this year, which is over 10 times more than NATO and Allies have planned in the same timeframe.

Moreover, Russia has incorporated nuclear and nuclear capable forces in its recent exercises, according to the statement.

"The scale and scope of Russia’s exercises are increasing tensions, rather than helping to de-escalate them," Carmen Romero said.

She also commented on the ELN report saying that analysts misleadingly put NATO and Russian exercises on par.

1 comment :

  1. Washington déploie des chasseurs furtifs F-22 en Europe...

    C'est la première fois que les Etats-Unis déploient ce type d'engins sur le territoire européen.

    Washington a déployé des chasseurs polyvalents F-22 Raptor en Europe, conformément à l'initiative visant à "renforcer la sécurité" des pays membres de l'Otan proposée en 2014 sur fond de crise ukrainienne.

    Selon le général Frank Gorenc, chef du commandement aérien allié et de l'armée de l'air des États-Unis en Europe et en Afrique, quatre avions équipés des technologies furtives et bourrés d'électronique ont atterri sur la base aérienne de Spangdahlem, dans l'ouest de l'Allemagne.

    "Le premier déploiement de Raptor à des fins d'exercices nous offre une possibilité formidable d'utiliser ces nouveaux appareils pour affiner les manœuvres avec d'autres avions des forces aériennes US, de nos partenaires et d'autres pays membres de l'Otan", a annoncé M. Gorenc.

    Il a souligné que le déploiement de ces chasseurs en Europe confirmait la volonté des Etats-Unis de respecter leurs engagements afin d'assurer la sécurité de leurs alliés.

    Outre les avions F-22, une soixantaine de militaires du 95e escadron aérien des forces aériennes US sont également arrivés à Spangdahlem à bord d'un avion de transport militaire stratégique С-17 Globemaster....................


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