Thursday, February 26, 2015

Parties to Ukrainian conflict refuse to disclose where weapons are withdrawn to (OSCE)

Sources at the special monitoring mission of the European security organization OSCE deployed in south-eastern Ukraine claim that the pro-Kiev military and the self-defense forces of the unrecognized Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics have refused to disclose the places where they are concentrating the heavy armaments withdrawn from the areas of combat operations.

A source said work on the plans of weapons withdrawal was going on at the Joint Control and Coordination Center but none of the sides was ready to disclose the sites of concentration of the removed weapons.
  • Latest from OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine based on information received as of 18:00 (Kyiv time), 25 February 2015...

This report is for media and the general public.
The SMM monitored the implementation of the “Package of measures for the Implementation of the Minsk agreements”. The SMM, based on its monitoring – which was restricted by third parties and security considerations – noted fighting in some areas. The Joint Centre for Control and Co-ordination (JCCC) continued to make plans for the withdrawal of heavy weapons. The SMM visited Debaltseve and saw destruction caused by recent fighting.

The SMM went to “Donetsk People’s Republic” (“DPR”)-controlled Debaltseve (56km north-east of Donetsk) to assess the humanitarian situation in the town. The SMM noted almost all the buildings in the city centre were destroyed or heavily damaged. According to civilians the SMM spoke to, there is an urgent need for electricity, gas, and water. The SMM saw approximately 200 mostly elderly female civilians queuing at an aid distribution point. A doctor at the local hospital and a “DPR” member told the SMM that gaps in staffing are filled with doctors and nurses on rotation from medical facilities in Donetsk city.....................

1 comment :

  1. Les armes lourdes quittent peu à peu le front dans l'est de l'Ukraine....

    Alors que le cessez-le-feu semble tenir dans l'est de l'Ukraine, le retrait des armes lourdes du front séparatiste se poursuit depuis jeudi. Le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU se réunit vendredi en urgence pour trouver une issue pacifique au conflit.

    Les armes lourdes se retirent peu à peu du front dans l'est ukrainien depuis jeudi 26 février. "L'Ukraine commence le retrait des canons de 100 millimètres de la ligne de démarcation", affirme l'état-major de l'armée ukrainienne dans un communiqué, premier pas vers le retrait des armes lourdes qui va se faire sous la surveillance de l'Organisation pour la coopération et la sécurité en Europe (OSCE).................


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