Tuesday, December 30, 2014

SC to vote on ending Israel's occupation (UN Security Council set to vote on Palestinian resolution)

United Nations Security Council is expected to vote shortly on a Palestinian draft resolution that calls for a peace deal with Israel within a year and an end of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories by late 2017.
Jordan's UN Ambassador Dina Kawar said Arab delegations had agreed the draft should go to a vote as soon as possible. It was later announced that the vote would take place at 22:00 GMT.

The Palestinian resolution calls for occupied East Jerusalem to be the capital of Palestine, an end to Israeli settlement building and settling the issue of Palestinian prisoner releases.

Palestinian officials also said the draft resolution calls for negotiations to be based on territorial lines that existed before Israel captured the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip in 1967.

"We've been deliberating this issue for almost three and a half months. It is not a lack of flexibility, because we took some of the French ideas in our revised text," Riyad Mansour, Palestinian ambassador to the UN, told Al Jazeera.

Diplomats have said that it was unlikely that the resolution would garner nine votes under the current makeup of the council - a scenario that would allow the US to avoid resorting to its veto power.

Reporting from the UN's headquarters in New York, Al Jazeera's Kristen Saloomey said that the move to push for a resolution comes out of Palestinian frustration. "The move was first discussed some months ago after the breakdown of the US-brokered peace talks. The US has said outright they will not support the resolution and will veto it," Saloomey said.


  1. UN Security Council rejects Palestinian resolution ...

    The UN Security Council has rejected a resolution demanding an end to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories within three years.

    Jordan submitted the motion after it had been agreed upon by 22 Arab states and the Palestinian Authority.

    Eight members of the 15-strong Security Council voted for it while the US and Australia voted against.

    The resolution, condemned by Israel as a "gimmick", needed the support of at least nine members in order to pass.

    Even if it had secured the required nine votes, the US would have used its veto power to stop the adoption of the resolution.

    US envoy Samantha Power said after the vote: "We voted against this resolution not because we are comfortable with the status quo. We voted against it because... peace must come from hard compromises that occur at the negotiating table."

    Jordan's UN ambassador, Dina Kawar, said the vote should not stop efforts to resolve the conflict.

    Of the 15 members of the Security Council

    Russia, China, France, Argentina, Chad, Chile, Jordan and Luxembourg voted in favour

    The US and Australia voted against

    The UK, Lithuania, Nigeria, the Republic of Korea and Rwanda abstained.....................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-30639764

  2. Le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU vote contre la résolution palestinienne ...

    Le Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies a rejeté la résolution palestinienne portant sur un accord de paix avec Israël par 8 voix pour, deux contre et cinq abstentions, alors que le texte devait réunir 9 voix pour être adopté.

    La France, la Chine et la Russie, tous trois membres permanents du Conseil, ont apporté leur soutien à la résolution. L’Australie et les Etats-Unis, proches alliés d’Israël, ont voté contre. Washington avait exprimé son opposition au texte à plusieurs reprises ces derniers jours.
    Cinq abstentions

    Cinq pays, dont le Royaume-Uni, se sont abstenus.

    Le projet de résolution prévoyait un accord de paix d’ici douze mois, et le retrait israélien des Territoires occupés avant fin 2017.

    Lundi, des modifications avaient été apportées au texte. Les amendements prévoyaient Jérusalem-Est, occupée et annexée, comme capitale d’un Etat palestinien, le règlement de la question des prisonniers palestiniens, l’arrêt de la colonisation israélienne et rappelaient le caractère illégal du mur de séparation.

    « Cette résolution encourage les divisions et non un compromis », a déclaré l’ambassadrice américaine à l’ONU Samantha Power. « Ce texte n’évoque les inquiétudes que d’une seule partie », a-t-elle ajouté.
    Un veto risqué

    Lors du vote, les Etats-Unis n’ont toutefois pas eu besoin de recourir au droit de veto que leur statut de membre permanent du Conseil leur confère.

    Un veto américain aurait risqué de provoquer la colère des pays arabes alliés des Etats-Unis dans la coalition qui combat les djihadistes de l’organisation de l’Etat Islamique en Syrie et en Irak.


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