Sunday, September 7, 2014

US, Ukraine to Conduct Military Exercises in Black Sea on September 8-10 (“Sea Breeze 2014”)

KIEV, September 7 (RIA Novosti) - The Ukrainian and US navies will take part in joint military drills called “Sea Breeze 2014” on September 8-10 in the northwestern part of the Black Sea, according to Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense.

“From 8 to 10 September Ukrainian-American exercises ‘Sea Breeze 2014’ will be conducted in the northwestern part of the Black Sea… The objective of the training is an international operation on establishing and securing maritime safety zone in the crisis area,” the ministry said on its website Friday.

Aside from the United States and Ukraine, the exercises will include representatives from Georgia, Romania and Turkey. A total of 12 ships and supply vessels, as well as planes and helicopters will participate in the drills.

  • Sea Breeze exercises by NATO forces began in 1997, and have often been met with hostility by anti-NATO political forces in Ukraine.
NATO has been flexing its muscles near the Russian border since Crimea’s reunification with Russia in March. Moscow has repeatedly expressed concern over Western pressure on Russia.


  1. Poroshenko’s Aide Names NATO Countries That Agree to Supply Weapons to Kiev...

    KIEV, September 7 (RIA Novosti) - Advisor to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, Yuri Lutsenko said that agreements reached at the NATO summit in Wales to supply advanced weapons to Ukraine from several countries, including the United States, France and Poland.

    "Security. A number of agreements were reached at the NATO summit on the Western military advisers and modern arms shipments from the United States, France, Italy, Poland, and Norway," Lutsenko said Sunday on Facebook.

    Earlier, in the margins of the NATO summit in Wales on September 4-5, the Ukrainian president said that the alliance would adopt a declaration on military and technical assistance to Kiev. Later, in an interview with BBC, Poroshenko confirmed that some NATO members promised to supply precision weapons to Ukraine, but refused to name them.

    The head of the International Committee of the Russian State Duma Alexei Pushkov previously expressed concern about statements of the NATO countries regarding military support of Ukraine. It is necessary to get more clarification concerning the reason for sending such supplies to Ukraine and the possible targets, Pushkov said.....................

  2. La frégate canadienne Toronto est entrée dans la mer Noire, a déclaré dimanche l'état-major général de la marine russe....

    L’arrivée de trois autres navires de l’OTAN, notamment du destroyer américain Ross, de la corvette française Commandant Biro, de la frégate espagnole Almirante Juan de Borbon est prévue. La veille, le navire de renseignement français Dupuy-de-Lôme a quitté la zone aquatique de la mer Noire.

    Conformément à la Convention de Montreux, la durée de séjour des navires de guerre des Etats non riverains dans la mer Noire s’élève à 21 jours au maximum.
    Lire la suite:


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