Friday, September 19, 2014

Scottish nationalist leader Salmond quits after losing independence vote

Scottish nationalist Alex Salmond resigned as leader of his party on Friday and will quit as First Minister of his country after losing an independence referendum.

"For me as leader my time is nearly over but for Scotland the campaign continues and the dream will never die," Salmond told reporters in Edinburgh.

Salmond said he would not accept the nomination as leader of the Scottish National Party at an annual conference in November and that he would then resign as First Minister.

"After the membership ballot I will stand down as first minister to allow the new leader to be elected," he said.



  1. Unabhängigkeitsreferendum: Schottischer Regierungschef Salmond tritt zurück

    Nach dem verlorenen Referendum hat Schottlands Ministerpräsident Alex Salmond seinen Rückzug angekündigt. Er werde auf dem kommenden Parteitag nicht mehr kandidieren...............

  2. Scotland's foreign minister: Independence is just a matter of time...

    When asked whether Scotland might still achieve independence someday its foreign minister sounds optimistic, adamant, and a little like Rene Levesque.

    In reacting to an initial Quebec referendum defeat in 1980, the first words uttered by the Parti Quebecois founder, forcing a smile as he addressed a cheering crowd, were, "If I've understood you correctly, what you're telling me is, 'It'll be next time."'

    Fast-forward to modern-day Scotland, and the cabinet secretary there for culture and external affairs is equally resolute about the fate of her homeland.

    "I know that the solution for Scotland will be independence," Fiona Hyslop said in an interview with The Canadian Press. "I expect that will come at some point.

    "The issue is not, 'If.' It's just a case of, 'When."'

    Members of her Scottish National Party are suggesting that the, "When," might not be for another generation, after their 10-percentage-point loss in Thursday's independence referendum...............


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