Friday, August 22, 2014

UN to hold emergency meeting over Russian aid convoy

The United Nations Security Council is to hold emergency consultations this evening after Russia sent an aid convoy rolling into eastern Ukraine.
Lithuania requested the meeting to be held at 3pm local time (7pm Irish time) to discuss the entry of scores of trucks that Ukraine has described as an "invasion”.
The Pentagon has said the US is very concerned about the movement of the convoy into the Ukraine and has urged Moscow to withdraw it immediately. 

"Russia must remove its vehicles and its personnel from the territory of Ukraine immediately. Failure to do so will result in additional costs and isolation," Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby told reporters.

"Russia should not send vehicles, persons, or cargo of any kind into Ukraine, whether under the guise of humanitarian convoys or any other pretext, without Kiev's express permission," he said.
NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen sharply criticised the Russian decision to advance a "so-called" aid convoy into Ukraine on Friday as a "blatant breach" of international commitments that "only deepens the crisis".
"This is a blatant breach of Russia's international commitments... and a further violation of Ukraine's sovereignty by Russia," Mr Rasmussen said in a statement.
He poured doubt on Moscow's claim that the convoy, which had been waiting at the border for a week, was actually meant for humanitarian purposes.
Ever since Russia annexed Crimea in March, NATO has taken a leading role in Western accusations that Moscow was actively involved in destabilising eastern Ukraine.
The transatlantic military alliance accuses Moscow of actively providing weapons and fighters to pro-Kremlin separatists as well as massing its own troops near the border.

Putin tells Merkel further aid delays to Ukraine 'unacceptable'
Russian President Vladimir Putin has told German Chancellor Angela Merkel that further delays in delivering humanitarian aid into eastern Ukraine would have been unacceptable, the Kremlin said in a statement.
In a phone call initiated by the German leader, Mr Putin said that following "clear procrastination" by Kiev, Russia decided to begin the controversial mission because "further delays would have been unacceptable" given the humanitarian catastrophe in the conflict zone, the Kremlin said..........................


  1. Tous les camions de la colonne humanitaire russe destinée au Sud-Est de l'Ukraine sont arrivés sur le territoire de Lougansk, a déclaré ce vendredi le porte-parole de l’administration municipale.

    « Le déchargement du convoi a commencé. Ensuite les vivres seront distribués parmi les habitants locaux », a-t-il indiqué sans exclure toutefois qu’une partie d’aide humanitaire sera envoyée à la République populaire autoproclamée de Donetsk.
    Lire la suite:

  2. Tutti i camion del convoglio umanitario russo per il sud-est dell'Ucraina hanno raggiunto il territorio di Lugansk, ha riferito oggi il portavoce dell'amministrazione comunale....

    "Al momento sono iniziate le operazioni di scarico dei rifornimenti umanitari, che saranno poi distribuiti alla cittadinanza," - ha detto, non escludendo che una parte degli aiuti umanitari russi possa essere consegnata a Donetsk.
    Per saperne di più:

  3. Russian Aid Convoy Reaches Luhansk, Trucks Being Unloaded – City Authority...

    The last trucks of Russia’s 280-strong humanitarian aid convoy have allegedly rolled into the stricken city of Luhansk in eastern Ukraine, the city authority said Friday.

    “They have begun to unload humanitarian cargo which will then be distributed among the population,” a source in the Luhansk city administration said.

    The source did not rule out that several trucks may have headed for the Donetsk republic to the west of Luhansk, where a worsening humanitarian crisis has trapped thousands without access to food, running fresh water or electricity.

    The Luhansk administration said it had set up a “special commission” that will pick “priority groups” to distribute food and water packages among the residents of the besieged Ukrainian city, which in 2013 was home to more than 425,000................

  4. Churkin: il CS dell'ONU è "il regno degli specchi deformanti"...

    Il dibattito in seno al Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite sull'Ucraina, che ha avuto luogo venerdì, ricordava "il regno degli specchi deformanti", ha detto ai giornalisti il rappresentante permanente della Russia presso l'Organizzazione, Vitalij Churkin.

    Secondo Churkin, un certo numero di membri del Consiglio non erano preoccupati per la catastrofe umanitaria nella parte orientale del Paese, ma solo per la situazione sui convogli russi per portare aiuti a Lugansk. Il diplomatico ha detto al Consiglio di Sicurezza che la Russia ha inviato aiuti umanitari nell’est dell'Ucraina solo dopo aver ricevuto il 12 agosto il permesso ufficiale di Kiev, ma "se ha questi ha deciso di mentire, allora è un suo problema." Churkin ha detto che recentemente al Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite è stata creata una "innovazione legale", è stata ha adottata una risoluzione sulla fornitura di aiuti umanitari in Siria attraverso il confine senza il consenso del governo di Damasco.
    Per saperne di più:


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