Sunday, June 15, 2014

Bloquean condena al ataque a la Embajada rusa en Kiev - UN chief condemns shooting of Ukrainian plane, 49 aboard killed

Tres de los cinco miembros permanentes que componen el Consejo de Seguridad de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) bloquearon el proyecto de declaración presentado por Rusia, que condenaría a través de ese organismo el ataque a la embajada rusa en Kiev por parte de ultranacionalistas ucranianos.

"Las delegaciones occidentales en el Consejo de Seguridad han bloqueado el proyecto de declaración ruso que condenaría el ataque a la embajada rusa en Kiev", dijo una fuente diplomática citada por la agencia RIA Novosti.

Los países que se opusieron al proyecto de declaración de Rusia fueron Estados Unidos, Reino Unido y Francia.

  • Sin embargo, los Estados Unidos a través de la portavoz del Departamento de Estado, Jen Psaki, condenó el ataque.
"EE.UU. condena el ataque frente a la Embajada rusa en Kiev e insta a las autoridades ucranianas a cumplir con su obligación de proporcionar la seguridad en conformidad de la Convención de Viena", dijo Psaki.

A pesar de rechazar el ataque a nivel de Gobierno, no se inclinaron a aprobar la iniciativa de Rusia en el Consejo de Seguridad, ambos, miembros permanentes con poder de veto.

  • La acción se enmarca por el conocimiento de Washington de que una condena a nivel de ese organismo internacional traería serias consecuencias políticas concretas al autoproclamado Gobierno de Kiev, aliado de Estados Unidos contra Rusia.
Este sábado, más de 200 ultranacionalistas ucranianos atacaron la embajada de Rusia en Kiev, la cual debe ser resguardada por las autoridades del país donde se encuentran. Además de retirar la bandera rusa de las instalaciones, volcaron vehículos diplomáticos y bloquearon el acceso al recinto con neumáticos.

Los manifestantes violentos arrojaron hacia la sede diplomática granadas de humo y petardos, casi todos los cristales del edificio están rotos, informó la agencia RIA Novosti citando a una fuente diplomática. El personal de la misión diplomática permaneció dentro del edificio.
  • UN chief condemns shooting of Ukrainian plane, 49 aboard killed
UN, 14 June 2014 – United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today condemned in the strongest terms the downing of a Ukrainian military airplane today in the eastern city of Lugansk, killing all 49 people aboard.

“The continuing violence in eastern Ukraine - characterized by growing loss of life and a deteriorating humanitarian situation - highlights the need for an immediate cessation of hostilities and a resolution of the crisis through negotiation and dialogue,” Mr. Ban said in a statement from his spokesperson.

The UN chief appealed to all sides to implement urgently the 17 April Geneva Agreement, which offered a “clear path to a peaceful solution”. The accord, struck in Geneva at a meeting between Ukraine, Russia, the United States and the European Union, outlined a series of steps to de-escalate tensions in eastern Ukraine that reportedly include demobilizing militias and vacating seized Government buildings.

The Geneva Statement capped months of political unrest in Ukraine that led to the removal by Parliament of President Viktor Yanukovych in February. This was followed by increased tensions in the country's autonomous region of Crimea, where Russian military were subsequently deployed and a secession referendum was held in mid-March, in which the majority of the region's people voted to join Russia.

By mid-April, tensions flared in eastern Ukraine as Lugansk, Kharkiv, Donetsk and at least 5 other cities in the region were targeted by uprisings.

In today's statement, Mr. Ban reiterated support for the newly-elected president, Petro Poroshenko, and the people of Ukraine with whom he stands in solidarity during this difficult time.

“Everyone must do their part to bring Ukraine back from the brink and ensure its unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity,” he underscored.


1 comment :

  1. Ukrainian army shells Slavyansk hospitals, one nurse killed...

    A nurse died in the city of Slavyansk after a Ukrainian military shell hit a local hospital on Saturday. Meanwhile, a Ruptly journalist came under fire while visiting a shelled maternity hospital in the eastern Ukrainian city.

    The Ukrainian army resumed the shelling of Slavyansk on Saturday afternoon, causing more damage to the city and igniting fires, the local administration told RIA Novosti.

    “In the afternoon the Ukrainian army shelled the center of Slavyansk, apparently trying to hit the self-defense forces. One of the shells hit the hospital. Two people were injured. One of them – a seriously injured nurse – passed away,” the source said.

    All the patients and staff of the hospital took shelter in the basement when the shelling began.

    In another incident, 10 journalists came under artillery fire while visiting a shelled maternity hospital in Slavyansk. They were forced to hide in the hospital’s basement for about 20 minutes before coming out, but the shelling started again once they attempted to leave the building. The maternity hospital was evacuated a week ago................


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