Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Ukrainian military claim to have seized military airdrome near Kramatorsk

A military airdrome near Kramatorsk has been reportedly seized by Ukrainian army units. Military spokesmen say the facility is “under reliable protection.”

According to the same sources, planes and helicopters had been ordered into the air “to protect military equipment because there had been no chance to guess how long the operation would take.”

“Now the city is calm and the National Guard is at work,” they claim.

Earlier, witnesses said that helicopters were hovering over the airdrome near Kramatorsk during the operation to storm the facility. A large crowd was seen nearby.

According to some sources, shots were fired in the area of the airdrome and some people were injured. 

  • Witnesses claimed that one plane was shot down and an assault group of 40-50 appeared in the area.


  1. There are reports that several people have died in Kramatorsk, where a military airdrome was seized by Ukrainian forces, Maxim Shevchenko, head of the group on monitoring of human rights in Ukraine under the Presidential Council on Civil Society and Human Rights, reported citing local human rights activists....

    “I contacted civil activists, human rights activists in Kramatorsk. They say that the military airdrome in the city was seized by Ukrainian forces, and there are casualties. Shots are fired in Kramatorsk,” Shevchenko told ITAR-TASS in a telephone interview.

    Shevchenko also said that a human rights center has been established in Donetsk. The center will monitor the human rights situation in the Donetsk Oblast. “Moreover, we keep in touch with civil activists in Slavyansk and Kramatorsk,” he added.

  2. The UN chief has called on all sides in the Ukrainian crisis to make every possible effort to defuse the tension in the country.....

    “The UN General Secretary is extremely concerned about the situation in eastern Ukraine. He called on the parties to do everything possible to defuse the tension and avoid further violence,” said a UN representative in a statement. ......http://rt.com/news/eastern-ukraine-army-operation-680/

  3. Les affrontements près de la ville ukrainienne de Kramatorsk ont été interrompus et les militaires ont entamé des pourparlers avec les membres de la milice populaire....

    L’opération spéciale dans l'Est de l'Ukraine ce mardi a fait des victimes parmi les manifestants.

    Précédemment, les partisans de la fédéralisation parlaient de l’assaut de l’aérodrome de Kramatorsk.

    Les forces militaires ukrainiennes ont réussi à prendre le contrôle de l'aérodrome. Selon des sources diverses, le nombre de morts du côté des manifestants varierait entre quatre personnes et plusieurs dizaines, et il y aurait des blessés des deux côtés. L’entrée dans la ville est contrôlée par les troupes.

    Des avions et des hélicoptères survolent la ville. Les participants aux affrontements pour Kramatorsk du côté des milices populaires ont indiqué qu’ils ont vu atterrir des hélicoptères avec des troupes d’infanterie sur l’aérodrome. Les affrontements ont cessé pour l’instant et on n’entend pas les coups de feu.
    Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_04_15/Kramatorsk-les-militaires-negocient-avec-les-membres-de-la-milice-populaire-0979/


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