Saturday, April 12, 2014

Four-way meeting on Ukraine not yet arranged. -Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman

Moscow on Saturday expressed surprise at alleged statements by US State Department figures that a proposed quadrilateral meeting between Ukraine, Russia, the European Union and the United States to seek a solution to the Ukrainian crisis has already been arranged, according to Interfax.

"To avoid any contradictions, we would like to reaffirm that preparations for such an event are still continuing but that there is no common understanding yet either on the agenda or on the format," Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said in a statement.

"If the United States has agreed all the points already in a 'narrow circle' - without Russia - with other participants, setting the date and venue for the meeting and approving plans to discuss the situation not just in Ukraine but also 'around it,' maybe it will be in a position to announce the results right now? Perhaps the United States will also tell us what needs to be done to clear Ukraine's Gazprom debt?" Lukashevich said.

"The American side doesn't stop at claiming that its own idea of the negotiation process has had everyone else's approval. At a briefing on April 11, State Department Spokesperson Jennifer Psaki used a patently unacceptable formula by insisting that negotiators from the current Ukrainian government would represent all the regions, 'including Crimea,'" Lukashevich said.

"Washington may, of course, go on with its wishful thinking. However, this is a fruitless exercise. From our viewpoint, attention must mainly be focused on how to make the current authorities in Kiev to at last try to draw all principal political forces of Ukraine and all regions of that country into the search for ways of surmounting its deep crisis," he said.



  1. U.S.-Ukraine Economic and Finance Working Group, Media Note, Office of the Spokesperson...

    Yesterday, Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy and the Environment Catherine Novelli met with Ukrainian Central Bank Governor Stepan Kubiv, Minister of Finance Oleksandr Shlapak, and Minister of Economic Development and Trade Pavlo Sheremeta to discuss a range of strategic and economic issues. Under Secretary Novelli and the Ukrainian delegation were joined by senior U.S. officials from the National Security Council, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the Office of the United States Trade Representative, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (TDA), the Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im Bank) of the United States, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), and the U.S. Department of Commerce.

    The working group discussed ways of moving President Obama and Prime Minister Yatsenyuk’s economic agenda forward, focusing on U.S. assistance efforts, increasing bilateral trade and investment flows, combating corruption, and carrying out economic reforms. Under Secretary Novelli commended Ministers Kubiv, Sheremeta, and Shlapak for the reforms the Ukrainian Government and parliament had already begun, citing the Rada’s recent passage of the two anti-corruption measures, an information law, and a procurement law, all demonstrating to the international community Ukraine’s commitment to reform.

    Under Secretary Novelli and Minister Sheremeta then discussed Ukraine’s IMF Program and the U.S. Government’s recently approved $1 billion loan guarantee program. In the context of these programs, both sides agreed to re-double efforts to get the Ukrainian economy on stable footing while implementing policies to establish the rule of law, transparency, and good procurement practices.............

  2. Kiev: visite de soutien de parlementaires allemands, français et polonais....

    La présidente de la commission des Affaires étrangères de l'Assemblée nationale française, Elisabeth Guigou (PS), ses homologues allemand Norbert Röttgen (CDU) et polonais Grzegorz Schetyna (PO), ont notamment rencontré le ministre ukrainien des Affaires étrangères Andrii Dechtchitsa, ainsi que des parlementaires.

    "Le soutien de l'Europe de nos trois pays, la France, l'Allemagne et la Pologne, pour l'Ukraine sur sa route vers l'Europe sera durable et stable," a assuré M. Schetyna lors d'un point presse.

    "Je pense qu'il y a à la fois à faire en sorte que les bâtiments publics puissent être libérés bien sûr, mais surtout à rassurer les populations pour que ces petits groupes qui sont extrêmement minoritaires ne puissent pas agréger autour d'eux la population de l'est", a de son côté déclaré Mme Guigou, alors que des séparatistes pro-russes sont repassés à l'offensive samedi dans l'est de l'Ukraine, prenant quasiment le contrôle d'une localité et s'emparant du siège de la police dans la grande ville de Donetsk.

    M. Röttgen a mis en garde la Russie sur l'imposition de nouvelles sanctions : "L'Europe de l'ouest a une stratégie qui prévoit que nous soyons prêts à passer à la troisième phase de notre stratégie de sanctions. Nous l'avons annoncé, nous allons le faire et personne ne devrait sous-évaluer la détermination de l'Ouest à le faire."


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