Friday, March 21, 2014

Ukraine could get non-lethal US support

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon said yesterday (March 20) it was focussing for now on Ukrainian requests for non-lethal support, as opposed to any weaponry, as a senior United States official said Washington wanted to avoid further militarising the standoff with Russia.
Ukraine’s government has put its heavily outnumbered and outgunned forces on alert for an invasion from Russia in the east following Moscow’s seizure of Crimea.
Kiev has asked for military support from the US, which American officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, say includes small arms, as well as non-lethal assistance, such as medical supplies.

So far, the US government has only approved providing military food rations, officials say, as President Barack Obama’s government instead focussed on financial support for Ukraine and pressuring Russia diplomatically.
“I think it’s safe to say that right now, the focus of that review (of Ukraine’s military requests) is on the non-lethal side of things,” Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby told a news briefing.

“But it is very much still an active issue under consideration.”

Mr Obama’s critics, including Senator John McCain, a Republican from Arizona, have lambasted the hesitancy, saying last week the United States should not be “imposing an arms embargo on a victim of aggression”.
Still, a senior administration official defended Mr Obama’s approach yesterday, as Washington unveiled new sanctions against Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest long-time political and business allies.
“It’s our view that the best course here is to lay down strong costs through these sanctions ... We don’t want to take steps to add to a momentum of further militarising the situation,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Mr Kirby did not offer a timeline for the review of Ukrainian requests. He noted the food rations have not been delivered yet.
“There are other non-lethal items which are being considered. I don’t want to go into them by detail and give you a shopping list, but, in general, it’s on the order of medical supplies and uniform equipment and that kind of thing,” he said. REUTERS


  1. Medvédev: "La deuda de Ucrania con Rusia es de 16.000 millones de dólares"

    El acuerdo interestatal de Járkov del 2010 puede ser denunciado, por lo que Kiev tendrá que reembolsar a Rusia 11.000 millones de dólares, dijo el primer ministro ruso Dmítri Medvédev.

    Según el jefe del Gobierno ruso, se trata de la "pérdida de beneficios". "Creo que es perfectamente legítimo plantear la cuestión sobre la devolución de estos fondos del presupuesto de Ucrania, lo que se puede hacer a través de los tribunales, basándose en las normas de un acuerdo denunciado", sugirió Medvédev al presidente ruso Vladímir Putin durante la reunión extraordinaria del Consejo de la Federación, la Cámara Alta rusa.

    "Claro, se trata de medidas duras, pero (…) hay una transacción realizada por nosotros. Nuestros socios ucranianos tienen que entender que no pueden no pagar", dijo el primer ministro ruso, citado por la agencia Itar Tass.

    En virtud del acuerdo de Járkov Rusia concedió a Ucrania un descuento de 100 dólares por 1.000 metros cúbicos a cambio de mantener la Flota rusa del Mar Negro en Crimea.

    La suma total de la deuda de Ucrania con Rusia es de 16.000 millones de dólares, dijo Medvédev a Putin.

    Texto completo en:

  2. US eyes military supplies for Ukraine, seeks to avoid escalation...

    WASHINGTON: The Pentagon said on Thursday it was focusing for now on Ukrainian requests for non-lethal support, as opposed to any weaponry, as a senior US official said Washington wanted to avoid further militarizing the standoff with Russia.

    Ukraine's government has put its heavily outnumbered and outgunned forces on alert for an invasion from Russia in the east following Moscow's seizure of Crimea.................

  3. Partnerschaft mit Ukraine besiegelt ....EU beugt sich Druck aus Moskau nicht....

    Die EU und die Ukraine haben das anvisierte politische Bündnis perfekt gemacht. Auch wirtschaftlich ist eine Allianz geplant. Von Druck aus Moskau will man sich dabei nicht abschrecken lassen.

    Ungeachtet der anhaltenden Spannungen im Verhältnis zu Russland haben die EU und die Ukraine den politischen Teil ihres Assoziierungsabkommens unterzeichnet. Der ukrainische Ministerpräsident Arseni Jazenjuk und die Staats- und Regierungschefs der Europäischen Union besiegelten damit die stärkere Anbindung der ehemaligen Sowjetrepublik an den Staatenbund............


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