Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Russia says Yanukovich asked for intervention

Vitaly Churkin, Russia's envoy to the UN, has told an emergency meeting of the Security Council that Viktor Yanukovich, Ukraine's ousted president, requested Russia's armed forces to enter Ukraine and establish law and order.
Reading a statement on Monday he said was from the fugitive president, Churkin said the request came because "as the legitimately elected representative" Yanukovich believes "Ukraine is on the brink of civil war."

Churkin quoted Yanukovich as saying "the life and security and the rights of people, particularly in the southeast part in Crimea, are being threatened" and that there were "open acts of terror and violence".

In response, Samantha Power, the US ambassador, told the meeting: "One might think that Moscow has just become the rapid response arm of the High Commissioner for Human Rights."...................... http://www.aljazeera.com/news/europe/2014/03/russia-says-yanukovych-asked-intervention-20143405335594.html



  1. Putin condemns Ukraine 'coup'....Russia not yet sending troops into Ukraine....

    Russian President Vladimir Putin says there is no need yet to send Russian troops into Ukraine.

    But Russia reserves the right to use "all means" to protect citizens in eastern Ukraine, Mr Putin said.

    He denied Russian troops had besieged Ukrainian based in Crimea - they were pro-Russian "self-defence" forces.

    Mr Putin called the toppling of President Viktor Yanukovych in the capital Kiev an "anti-constitutional coup and armed seizure of power".

    He said "militants" had plunged the country into "chaos". He also said Ukrainian "nationalists" and "anti-Semites" were roaming the streets of Kiev and other cities.

    If Russian-speaking people in eastern Ukraine asked for Russia's help then Moscow would respond, he said.

    "If we see this anarchy beginning in the eastern regions we reserve the right to use all means," he said.......................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26433309

  2. 12h23. Vladimir Poutine a estimé que Viktor Ianoukovitch n’avait pas d’avenir politique. «Je pense qu’il n’a pas d’avenir politique. Je le lui ai déjà dit», a-t-il déclaré.

    - 12h14. Le président russe a estimé que l’envoi de troupes russes en Ukraine n’était «pas nécessaire pour le moment», ajoutant que la Russie se réservait le droit de recourir à «tous les moyens» pour protéger ses citoyens dans ce pays. Par ailleurs, il a nié que des forces russes encerclaient les bases militaires ukrainiennes en Crimée, affirmant qu’il s’agissait de «forces locales d’auto-défense».

    - 11h52. Le président russe Vladimir Poutine a dénoncé «un coup d’Etat» en Ukraine.« La Russie se réserve le droit de recourir à tous les moyens pour protéger ses citoyens en Ukraine », a-t-il ajouté.

    - 11h38. Le président Poutine dénonce «une prise de pouvoir par les armes» en Ukraine et estime que Ianoukovitch est le seul président légitime.....http://www.lesoir.be/484315/article/actualite/monde/2014-03-04/ukraine-poutine-denonce-un-coup-d-etat

  3. Ukraine : Poutine dénonce "un coup d'état anticonstitutionnel"....

    Le président américain Barack Obama a jugé lundi que "la Russie est du mauvais côté de l'Histoire" à la suite de l'intervention russe en Crimée. Les Etats-Unis ont "suspendu tous les liens militaires" entre Washington et Moscou.
    Vladimir Poutine a ordonné aux soldats russes engagés dans des manoeuvres militaires près de la frontière ukrainienne de retourner dans leurs casernes.
    En réponse aux menaces de sanctions, la Russie menace les Etats-Unis d'un krach du système financier en réduisant à zéro" sa dépendance économique vis-à-vis des Etats-Unis.
    Le secrétaire d'Etat américain John Kerry se rend à Kiev ce mardi 4 mars. Il vient apporter le soutien de son pays au nouveau pouvoir ukrainien, confronté à un "ultimatum" russe...........................http://tempsreel.nouvelobs.com/ukraine-la-revolte/20140304.OBS8405/en-direct-ukraine-poutine-annonce-la-fin-des-manoeuvres-a-la-frontiere.html?xtor=RSS-17

  4. Putin: Deploying military force is last resort, but we reserve right.....

    Russia will not go to war with the people of Ukraine, but will use its troops to protect citizens, if radicals with clout in Kiev now try to use violence against Ukrainian civilians, particularly ethnic Russians, Putin told the media.

    Putin, who was given a mandate by the Russian senate to use military force to protect civilians in Ukraine, said there is no need for such an action yet.

    Putin cited the actions of radical activists in Ukraine, including the chaining of an official to a stage as public humiliation and the killing of a technician during an opposition siege of a parliamentary building, as justification for Russia to be concerned for the lives and well-being of people in eastern and southern Ukraine.

    Incidents like those are why Russia reserves the option of troop deployment on the table.

    Russia is not planning to go to war with the Ukrainian people, Putin stressed, when a journalist asked if he was afraid of war. But Russian troops would prevent any attempts to target Ukrainian civilians, should they be deployed.

    “We are not going to a war against the Ukrainian people,” he said. “I want you to understand it unambiguously. If we do take a decision, it would only be to protect Ukrainian citizens. Let anybody in the military dare, and they’d be shooting their own people, who would stand up in front of us. Shoot at women and children. I’d like to see anyone try and order such a thing in Ukraine.”............http://rt.com/news/putin-statement-ukraine-russia-743/

  5. Yanukovych is safe and sound and will catch a cold at funerals of those who are now burying him - Putin...

    Russian President Vladimir Putin said he has met with Viktor Yanukovych a couple of days ago. "I met with him once after he entered the territory of the Russian Federation. It happened literally two days ago. He was safe and sound, and I wish the same to you," Putin told reporters on Tuesday. "He [Viktor Yanukovych] will catch a cold at the funeral of those who are now spreading those rumors," Putin said, commenting on the rumors on Yanukovych's health problems.

    Voice of Russia, Interfax

  6. Russia does not recognize presidential elections in Ukraine if they are conducted under terror - Putin....

    Russia does not recognize presidential elections in Ukraine if they are conducted under terror, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

    Russia ready to cooperate even with incumbent Ukrainian authorities

    Moscow is ready to cooperate even with the incumbent Ukrainian authorities it considers illegal, Russian President Vladimir Putin said. "By the way, we are exhibiting patience and readiness for certain cooperation even under such circumstances. We do not want to discontinue cooperation and I instructed the government several days ago to think about ways to carry on contacts even with those Kiev authorities that we consider illegal with the purpose of preserving contacts in the economy and industries," Putin told reporters on Tuesday.

    "We think that our actions are quite grounded and any threats towards Russia are counterproductive and harmful," the Russian president stressed.

    OSCE mission can be sent to Ukraine, but this issue needs to be discussed - Putin

    OSCE mission can be sent to Ukraine, but this issue needs to be discussed, Russian President Vladimir Putin siad.

    Voice of Russia, Interfax

  7. Kerry arrive à Kiev avec une promesse d'aide financière...

    Le secrétaire d'Etat américain John Kerry est arrivé à Kiev mardi 4 mars. À l'occasion de cette visite symbolique de quelques heures de M. Kerry, les États-Unis apportent également une assistance économique à Kiev, offrant d'accorder notamment un milliard de dollars dans le cadre d'un prêt international. Dans la nuit de lundi à mardi, le Pentagone a annoncé que les États-Unis avaient "suspendu tous les liens militaires" avec Moscou. Et Washington agite la menace de sanctions économiques si la tension ne retombe pas en Ukraine.

    La Russie a réagi en annonçant qu'elle réduirait "à zéro" sa dépendance économique vis-à-vis des Etats-Unis si Washington impose des sanctions à son égard, ce qui mènerait, selon un conseiller du Kremlin, au "krach" du système financier américain...............http://www.france24.com/fr/20140304-liveblogging-live-direct-crise-ukraine-tensions-russie-etats-unis-europe-poutine-ianoukovitch-kiev/


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