Monday, February 3, 2014

US in 'preliminary' talks with EU for Ukraine aid deal...

The United States is holding talks with the European Union on putting together a financial aid package for Ukraine amid weeks of political upheaval, a US official confirmed Monday.

"Let me be clear, this is at a very preliminary stage. We are consulting with the EU and other partners about the support Ukraine may need after a new technical government is formed," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters. "Any decisions we make will be guided by events in Ukraine and our consultations with the new government after it is formed."

But Psaki said no further details were available yet as Washington was so far only in discussions.

The confirmation came after EU foreign policy Cathy Ashton told the Wall Street Journal that the EU and US were working together on a financial aid package.

Ashton is due to return to Ukraine on Tuesday in a fresh bid to end the crisis triggered after President Viktor Yanukovych abandoned a plan to sign an association deal with the EU.

US Assistant Secretary Victoria Nuland is also returning to Kiev this week, in a new sign of US support for the pro-democracy demonstrators.

Voice of Russia, AFP



  1. Άστον: Η Δύση θα προσφέρει περισσότερη βοήθεια στην Ουκρανία....

    Η ΕΕ και οι ΗΠΑ σχεδιάζουν να προσφέρουν περισσότερη βοήθεια στην Ουκρανία, αν η μεταβατική κυβέρνηση της χώρα αυτής προχωρήσει σε μεταρρυθμίσεις, δήλωσε η επικεφαλής της εξωτερικής πολιτικής της ΕΕ Κάθριν Άστον σε συνέντευξή της που δημοσιεύεται σήμερα.

    Οι Βρυξέλλες και η Ουάσινγκτον εργάζονται πάνω σ' ένα οικονομικό σχέδιο για την Ουκρανία, δήλωσε η Άστον προς την εφημερίδα Wall Street Journal προσθέτοντας πως οι αριθμοί "δεν θα είναι μικροί" και πως το σχέδιο μπορεί να περιλάβει χρήματα, "εγγυήσεις" ή προοπτικές επενδύσεων.

    Η Άστον δήλωσε πως η βραχυπρόθεσμη βοήθεια δεν θα εξαρτηθεί από όρους του Διεθνούς Νομισματικού Ταμείου (ΔΝΤ), σύμφωνα με το δημοσίευμα, όμως θα εξαρτηθεί από το αν η νέα ουκρανική κυβέρνηση θα επιδιώξει οικονομικές και πολιτικές μεταρρυθμίσεις..........

  2. Proteste in Kiew: Steinmeier droht Ukraine mit Sanktionen....

    Bundesaußenminister Steinmeier will entschieden gegenüber der ukrainischen Führung auftreten. Auch Sanktionen schließt er nicht mehr aus. Die Lage sei "hoch brisant".

    Bundesaußenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier hat betont, dass die Bundesregierung gegenüber der ukrainischen Regierung entschieden auftreten müsse. In einem Interview mit den ARD-Tagesthemen schloss er auch Sanktionen nicht aus. "Die Sanktionen müssen wir jetzt als Drohung zeigen und auch bereit sein, für den Fall, dass es zu den erwarteten und verlangten Fortschritten in den Verhandlungen der nächsten Tagen nicht kommt, darüber zu entscheiden" sagte Steinmeier in der ARD. Noch am Wochenende hatte die Bundesregierung Sanktionen gegen Amtsträger in der Ukraine abgelehnt.

    Die Lage in der Ukraine bezeichnete Steinmeier als weiterhin "hoch brisant". "Es bleibt ein Pulverfass, und deshalb hoffe ich, dass von keiner Seite gezündelt wird". Steinmeier sprach angesichts des vergangenen Tages in der Ukraine von "kleinen Bewegungen, die ein bisschen Hoffnung begründen", da zum ersten Mal auch über die Freilassung von Gefangenen gesprochen worden sei. "Aber wir sind noch nicht am schwierigsten Stück und das ist die Änderung der Verfassung. Um dem Präsidenten Rechte zu nehmen und sie der Regierung zu geben", sagte Steinmeier.......

  3. Ukraine: Ianoukovitch prêt à des élections anticipées...

    Le président ukrainien Viktor Ianoukovitch est prêt à organiser des élections législatives et présidentielle anticipées s'il ne reste plus d'autres moyens de résoudre la crise politique de façon démocratique, a annoncé le représentant du président au parlement Iouri Mirochnitchenko.

    "Le président a dit que si les dirigeants politiques ne parvenaient pas à un accord, alors la seule façon démocratique de régler la situation serait des élections anticipées", a fait savoir M.Mirochnitchenko.

    Toujours selon lui, les autorités n'envisagent pas de recourir à la force pour résoudre la crise et n'ont pas l'intention de décréter l'état d'urgence dans le pays........

  4. Russlands Außenamt: Westen muss Einmischung in Ukraine ein Ende setzen....

    Die Länder des Westens müssen nach Ansicht von Konstantin Dolgow, Menschenrechtsbeauftragter des russischen Außenministeriums, ihrer Einmischung in die inneren Angelegenheiten der Ukraine ein Ende setzen.

    „Jede Einmischung muss eingestellt werden“, erklärte Dolgow am Dienstag. „Als Vertreter einer Reihe von westlichen Staaten – in der EU und den USA – und zwar sowohl der legislativen, als auch der exekutiven Macht, auf dem Maidan sprachen sowie sich in ihren Metropolen äußerten und dabei das ukrainische Volk zu einem Kampf um die sogenannte ‚europäische Herausforderung‘ aufriefen, das heißt, faktisch zur weiteren Konfrontation und zu deren Vertiefung, so kann das natürlich nicht anders als als eine unverhüllte Einmischung in die inneren Angelegenheiten angesehen werden. Dies steht kaum im Einklang mit den demokratischen Losungen, die wir von denselben Staatsmännern und westlichen Politikern gehört haben.“ ........

  5. Ukraine’s Interior Ministry confirms oppositionists tried to bribe internal troops’ staff..."Can you trust politicians that tacitly allowed bought extremists generously pour Molotov cocktails on you?" Gen.-Lieut. Stanislav Shulyak addressed to his subordinates....

    KIEV, February 4. /ITAR-TASS/. Representatives of the opposition are making attempts of bribing servicemen of internal troops of Ukraine’s Ministry of the Interior in order to gain them over. This confirmed to Itar-Tass head of the press service of the ministry’s internal troops Viktoria Kushnir.

    “Yes, indeed, such attempts of bribing our staff are made by the opposition. In this regard we are raising awareness among our personnel and involving psychologists,” the Interior Ministry’s spokesperson said noting that “there are currently no registered cases of officers’ non-compliance with their official duties in connection with the facts in evidence”.

    On Thursday, commander of the internal troops of Ukraine’s Interior Ministry Gen.-Lieut. Stanislav Shulyak addressed to his subordinates and urged them to hold ground and resist the proposals of extremists to join them.

    “Today, they are ready to offer you huge money. Is there any use to trust such offers? Can you trust politicians that tacitly allowed bought extremists generously pour Molotov cocktails on you? Can you make a deal with those, who called and continues calling for reprisal on you and your families? Each of you is able to understand by himself, on whose side the truth is. I believe in your ability to make the difference between truth and insidious deception,” Shulyak said in his address circulated by the press service.

  6. Klitschko: EU schickt Vermittler in Ukraine....

    Die Europäische Union ist bereit, Vermittler für einen Dialog zwischen der ukrainischen Opposition und der Regierung zur Verfügung zu stellen, so Vitali Klitschko, der Chef der oppositionellen ukrainischen Partei Udar, nach Verhandlungen mit EU-Chefdiplomatin Catherine Ashton.

    „Die Hohe EU-Vertreterin für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik Ashton versicherte, dass Europa bereit ist, ranghohe Vermittler zu Verhandlungen zwischen der Opposition und den Behörden zu entsenden“, zitiert der Pressedienst der Partei Klitschko.

    Dem Ex-Profiboxer zufolge ist eine dritte Seite für die Verhandlungen mit der Macht vonnöten.

    „Jemand muss zusehen, wie sich der Verhandlungsprozess vollzieht, und alle Vereinbarungen und Verpflichtungen fixieren“, so Klitschko................

  7. Ukrainian army: no urge to impose state of emergency...Ukraine’s Armed Forces have not addressed President Viktor Yanukovich to impose a state of emergency...

    KIEV, February 05. /ITAR-TASS/. Ukraine’s Armed Forces have not addressed President Viktor Yanukovich to impose a state of emergency due to mass protest actions in the country, acting Defence Minister Pavel Lebedev told Itar-Tass. ......

  8. Ukraine crisis: Leaked phone call embarrasses US......

    An apparently bugged phone conversation in which a senior US diplomat disparages the EU over the Ukraine crisis has been posted online.

    A voice resembling that of Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland refers to the EU using a graphic swear word, in a conversation apparently with the US ambassador to Ukraine.

    The US said Ms Nuland had "apologised for these reported comments".

    The EU and US are involved in talks to end months of unrest in Ukraine............

    1. US Accuses Russia of Leaking Diplomat Conversation on Ukraine....

      WASHINGTON, February 7 (RIA Novosti) – Washington has accused Russia of being behind the leak of an intercepted telephone call between top US diplomats discussing the unfolding political crisis in Ukraine and using foul language to disparage the EU.

      In the recording, figures identified as US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt discuss political developments inside the former Soviet nation and coordinate on contact with opposition figures.

      In a passage that has already caused embarrassment to Washington, Nuland can at one stage be heard to dismiss European partners with the phrase “f—k the EU.”

      While the conversation, which was reproduced on YouTube, is scant on operational details, it will likely be used to fuel Russian allegations of direct Western support for Ukraine’s opposition.

      A post on Twitter by an aide to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin about the recording shortly after it surfaced online has prompted accusations from Washington that Moscow was directly implicated in the interception and subsequent leak.

      "This is a new low in Russian tradecraft in terms of publicizing, posting,” State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Thursday. “This is something they've been actively promoting, posting on, tweeting about, and certainly we feel that represents a new low."

      Psaki said Nuland has been in contact with EU counterparts and apologized for her embarrassing remarks.................

    2. US shouldn't interfere in EU-Ukraine relations – Rompuy on Nuland statement....

      The European Council President Herman Van Rompuy has said in a live interview with the RTBF TV and Radio Company that the recent statements by the US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland, with regard to the European Union are unacceptable. Van Rompuy concedes that these kinds of statements should be considered in the context of a telephone conversation, which these were actually a part of.

      The EC President pointed out that the European Union has been pursuing a correct policy on Ukraine. “I don’t think our US colleagues should interfere in the EU policy”, he said.

      A recording of Nuland’s telephone conversation with the US Ambassador to Kiev Geoffrey Pyatt was earlier posted on the Internet, with the interlocutors discussing at length the various aspects of forming Ukraine’s new Cabinet. Nuland was specifically opposed to inviting the UDAR party leader Vitaly Klitschko to join the new Cabinet and thought the chairman of the Batkivshchina party political council, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, was the best option. She used the f-word when referring to the European Union and explained how she had drawn into play a former US diplomat Jeffrey Feltman, who is currently the UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, to help settle what problems are related to the formation of a Ukrainian government..................

  9. US Congress ready to introduce sting sanctions against Ukrainian officials...

    WASHINGTON, February 11, 7:35 /ITAR-TASS/. U.S. Congress is prepared to introduce sting sanctions against the Ukrainian officials responsible for the use of force against the participants in “actions of protests” in Kiev at the end of last year, says a resolution that the House of Representatives endorsed Monday night.

    A total of 381 members of the house voted for the resolutions and only two voted against it.

    The resolution voices support to what the Representatives believe to be democratic and European aspirations of the people of Ukraine and its right to choosing a future without intimidation or fear.

    Its authors urge the U.S. and the EU to continue a joint search for a peaceful way out of the crisis and to continue supporting the willingness of millions of Ukrainians to establish closer relations with Europe “through the signing of an Association Agreement.”..............


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