Thursday, January 9, 2014

US Senate Backs Sanctions Over Ukraine Violence

WASHINGTON, January 8 (RIA Novosti) – The US Senate has called for possible sanctions against individuals responsible for state violence against Ukrainian demonstrators protesting Kiev’s decision to abandon long-awaited trade and political deals with the European Union.
“In the event of further state violence against peaceful protestors, the President and Congress should consider whether to apply targeted sanctions, including visa bans and asset freezes, against individuals responsible for ordering or carrying out the violence,” lawmakers said in a Senate resolution passed Tuesday.

Mass protests broke out across Ukraine after Kiev stunned Europe on November 21 by announcing that it would indefinitely postpone the signing of association and trade deals with the EU. The protests took a more radical turn after riot police violently cleared downtown Kiev’s Independence Square on November 30.

Instead of proceeding with the expected EU deals, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych’s government strengthened ties with Russia last month, striking a $15 billion bailout package with Russian President Vladimir Putin to stabilize Ukraine’s finances.
In the Senate resolution passed Tuesday, US lawmakers criticized the U-turn as counter to the will of the Ukrainian people, the result of “Russian economic coercion,” and intended “to protect the narrow interests of some officials and individuals.”

Yanukovych’s government appeared to take the resolution in stride, with the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry saying Wednesday that it considers the adoption of the initiative to be “a sign of support for the European choice of our country and its democratic development.”
“The Government of Ukraine remains committed to the strategic course towards European integration and continuation of democratic reforms,” the ministry said in a statement.
The ministry also welcomed US lawmakers’ call for all sides to refrain from violence, saying it is “fully consistent” with the Ukrainian government’s approach and noting that Yanukovych has “condemned the use of force on the part of law enforcement agencies and individual protesters.”

Russia has repeatedly criticized what it describes as outside interference in the tense standoff between Ukrainian authorities and protesters.
Officials in Europe and the United States, meanwhile, have accused Moscow of using economic levers to pressure Kiev into closer integration with its ex-Soviet neighbor – a charge Russian officials have denied.


  1. US Threatens Sanctions as Tensions Rise in Kiev ....

    The United States has slammed Ukrainian authorities over violent clashes between police and demonstrators in the capital Sunday and threatened to impose sanctions if force is used against protesters, RIA Novosti reports. Dozens were injured in Kiev as police deployed water cannons, stun grenades and tear gas against protesters throwing Molotov cocktails, fireworks and other projectiles at police, international news agencies reported.

    National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said the US is deeply concerned about the latest clashes.

    Hayden said the Ukrainian government "has moved to weaken the foundations of Ukraine's democracy by criminalizing peaceful protest and stripping civil society and political opponents of key democratic protections under the law," Associated Press reported. She called on Ukraine to open a dialogue with the opposition.

    The White House says the US is considering measures including sanctions if the Ukrainian government uses violence, echoing a warning from the US State Department last month.

    A crowd of tens of thousands of demonstrators gathered in downtown Kiev on Sunday to protest new legislation that lawmakers hurriedly passed last week to limit protests.
    Read more:

  2. Ukraine: Demonstrant in Kiew erschossen....

    Die Polizei geht gewaltsam gegen Demonstranten vor. Zuvor hatte die Regierung ein hartes Vorgehen gegen "Provokateure" angekündigt.

    Bei den Protesten von Regierungsgegnern in der ukrainischen Hauptstadt Kiew ist nach Angaben der Opposition ein Demonstrant erschossen worden. Der Mann sei von einem Scharfschützen der Polizei angeschossen worden und an seinen Verletzungen gestorben, teilte der medizinische Dienst der Protestbewegung am Mittwoch mit........

  3. Deux morts dans les affrontements en Ukraine....

    Le corps d'un homme inanimé a été découvert mercredi matin sur la rue Grouchevski, devenue l'épicentre de la contestation. Dans la nuit, un activiste a fait une chute mortelle alors qu'il jetait des cocktails molov sur des policiers.

    Les affrontements entre les forces de l'ordre et les manifestants pro-européens, auraient déjà fait deux victimes. Le corps d'un homme inanimé a été découvert mercredi matin sur la rue Grouchevski, devenue l'épicentre de la contestation. Selon des témoignages des médecins de la place Maïdan, non confirmés par le ministère de l'Intérieur, il succombé à des blessures par balles. Par ailleurs, selon la télévision ukrainienne, un autre activiste de 22 ans serait tombé, la veille au soir d'une colonne ceinturant le stade Dynamo, du haut de laquelle, en compagnie d'autres contestataires, ils jetaient des cocktails molotov sur les policiers. Lorsque ces derniers ont escaladé la colonne, haute de treize mètres, afin d'en déloger les manifestants, les jeunes ont réussi alors à en descendre, sauf deux personnes qui sont restées au sommet. L'une d'entre elle est donc tombée et aurait trouvé la mort.

    Trois jours après les manifestations de dimanche, les affrontements se poursuivent mercredi matin sur la rue Grouchevski à deux pas du parlement ukrainien. Une centaine de radicaux, pour la plupart casqués, jetaient des pierres en direction des forces de l'ordre qui reculaient. La veille, le gouvernement avait brandit la menace d'un recours à la force. «Si les provocateurs ne s'arrêtent pas, les autorités n'auront pas d'autre choix que d'utiliser la force dans le cadre de la loi pour assurer la sécurité des gens», a ainsi mis en garde le premier ministre, Mykola Azarov sur la chaîne publique russe d'information Vesti........

  4. State Duma approves statement on situation in Ukraine....

    MOSCOW, January 22. /ITAR-TASS/. The State Duma, lower house of parliament, has adopted a statement on the aggravation of the situation in Ukraine.

    A total of 388 lawmakers, who are taking part in the session, have unanimously voted for the statement.

  5. Duma demands foreign politicians stop inciting Ukrainian crisis....

    Russia’s lower house has passed a unanimous statement that the ongoing aggravation of the political and social situation in Ukraine should be blamed not only on radical opposition, but also on certain foreign political circles.

    The statement ‘On aggravation of the situation in Ukraine’, prepared by the parliamentary Committee for CIS Issues and Eurasian Integration, was passed unanimously on Wednesday morning.

    The document blasted Ukrainian protesters, saying their actions were growing in scale and becoming more aggressive.

    “In essence, there are attempts to forcefully overthrow the legitimate power institutes in the country,” the Russian MPs stated.

    The pro-opposition rioters are launching unsanctioned rallies, occupying and blocking various administrative buildings, and destroying historical monuments, including those erected in memory of the heroes who perished in WWII. Law enforcers who try to maintain order are attacked by organized groups of people using weapons and petrol bombs, the statement reads.

    “It is regrettable that all these events are provoked and used by representatives of the political opposition who cynically call themselves supporters of democracy,” it states.

    The responsibility for the current crisis should be shared by the Western politicians, who rudely interfere with Ukraine’s internal affairs and voice threats towards authorities at opposition rallies, the MPs claim.

    “The State Duma again warns that the external pressure on Ukraine and artificially imposing the geopolitical choice of EU association are unacceptable,” the statement reads....................

  6. US Condemns Deadly Violence in Ukraine...

    WASHINGTON, January 22 (RIA Novosti) – The United States said Wednesday that it “strongly condemns” the escalation of violence in Ukraine that has left at least two people dead amid a wave of anti-government protests.

    “We urge all sides to immediately de-escalate the situation and refrain from violence,” US State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said in a statement.

    Ukrainian authorities on Wednesday confirmed the deaths of two people shot during the unrest, and prosecutors said they are investigating the fatalities.

    Harf called the escalation in tensions “a direct consequence of the Ukrainian government’s failure to engage in real dialogue and the passage of anti-democratic legislation,” a reference to new laws swiftly passed by Ukrainian lawmakers last week that severely curtail the freedom to protest.

    But she also said the “aggressive actions” of right-wing militants during the protests “are not acceptable and are inflaming conditions on the streets,” as well as undermining the efforts of those who wish to protest peacefully.

    The US also condemns violence committed by hooligans known in Ukraine as “titushki,” who are allegedly paid to provoke violence, as well as “targeted attacks against journalists and peaceful protesters, including detentions,” Harf said.

    “We urge the government of Ukraine to take steps that represent a better way forward for Ukraine, including repeal of the anti-democratic legislation and beginning a national dialogue with the political opposition,” she said.

    Protests have been raging in Ukraine since November, when Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych decided to pull out of an association agreement with the EU, opting instead for closer ties with Russia........

  7. Protesters surround American embassy in Kiev, rally against US meddling...

    A huge crowd of demonstrators has surrounded the US embassy in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, protesting against Washington’s meddling in the country’s internal affairs.

    Follow RT's live updates.

    The event was organized by Kievans for Clean City, a new pro-government activist group which has spoken out against the rioters and violence in downtown Kiev.

    Several thousand demonstrators are taking part, urging the US to “stop sponsoring” mass unrests, local media reported.

    “The US is behind everything that is happening in Kiev’s downtown right now. The financing is coming from over there. This has to be stopped. That is what we came out here to say to the whole world: ‘US - stop! US - there needs to be peace in Ukraine,’” said Ivan Protsenko, one of the movement’s leaders.

    Rioters on Grushevskogo Street continue to burn tires, with building No. 4 catching fire from the high flames, Unian news agency quoted the Ministry of Internal Affairs as saying.

    Police have been holding their line throughout the evening, attempting to extinguish fires with water cannons. After four days of protests, the center of the Ukrainian capital continues to resemble a warzone, with smoke, barricades, and debris all around. ......

  8. DIRECT. Ukraine : le centre de Kiev coupé en deux par des barricades....

    La capitale ukrainienne s'est réveillée dans la fumée noire dégagée par des pneus incendiés au pied des barricades. L'opposition a lancé un ultimatum.

    La confrontation tourne à la guérilla urbaine en Ukraine. Les violents affrontements entre manifestants pro-européens et forces de l'ordre ont fait cinq morts et environ 300 blessés, mercredi 22 janvier, à Kiev, après deux mois de manifestations. Dans la soirée, les leaders de l'opposition, devant des dizaines de milliers de personnes réunis dans le centre de la capitale, ont menacé d'une "offensive", jeudi, faute de concession du président Vitkor Ianoukovitch. Francetv info fait le point sur la situation.

    • Le face-à-face se poursuit. Depuis mercredi matin, les forces de l'ordre casqués et équipés de boucliers ont lancé plusieurs assauts contre les barricades dressées dans la rue Grouchevski, où se trouvent le siège du gouvernement et le Parlement. Les heurts se poursuivaient mercredi soir. La fumée dégagée par des pneus incendiés permet d'empêcher les snipers de viser, selon l'opposition.

    • L'ultimatum des opposants. "Si Ianoukovitch ne fait pas de concessions, demain (jeudi) nous passons à l'offensive", a déclaré l'ex-boxeur VitaliKlitschko, réclamant des élections anticipées. De son côté, Arseni Iatseniouk, proche de l'ex-Premier ministre emprisonnée Ioulia Timochenko, a donné "24 heures" au pouvoir pour éviter un "bain de sang".
    • Des réactions à l'étranger. "Choquée", l'Union européenne a averti qu'elle allait "étudier de possibles actions et les conséquences" pour ses relations avec l'Ukraine, tandis que Washington a annoncé de premières sanctions, en révoquant les visas de responsables ukrainiens impliqués dans les violences. Moscou a pour sa part dénoncé "l'ingérence étrangère" dans les affaires intérieures de l' Ukraine.[lestitres]

  9. Ukraine - Manifestants et police séparés par un rideau de flammes à Kiev....

    Manifestants et police étaient engagés dans un face à face tendu jeudi matin à Kiev, séparés par une barricade de pneus enflammés sur les lieux des affrontements violents qui ont fait cinq morts ces derniers jours.
    Plusieurs dizaines de manifestants, portant souvent des casques de chantier ou de moto, étaient rassemblés jeudi matin rue Grouchevski, derrière ce mur de flammes et de fumée, lançant épisodiquement pierres ou cocktails Molotov. Des déflagrations se faisaient parfois entendre, apparemment dues à des tirs par les forces de l'ordre de grenades assourdissantes ou lacrymogènes. De violents affrontements ont opposé manifestants et police anti-émeutes dans cet endroit depuis dimanche, faisant cinq morts et transformant la contestation engagée il y a deux mois en une guérilla urbaine en plein centre de Kiev. Place de l'Indépendance, à quelques centaines de mètres de la rue Grouchevski, des dizaines de personnes se sont rassemblées dès le petit matin par -10°C. Devant des dizaines de personnes réunies mercredi soir sur cette place symbole de la contestation, l'opposition a menacé le président Viktor Ianoukovitch d'une offensive jeudi s'il ne faisait pas de concessions. (Belga)

  10. Russia enraged by foreign involvement in Ukrainian affairs: Kremlin...

    MOSCOW, Jan. 23 (Xinhua) -- Moscow was enraged by foreign intervention in Ukrainian internal affairs, the Kremlin has said.

    "We surely regret and resent when outside involvement in the internal events in Kiev becomes obvious," the Komsomolskaya Pravda daily newspaper Thursday quoted Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying.

    Moscow could not understand why foreign diplomats in Kiev had advised Ukrainian authorities how to act and how to deal with opposition riots, he said, calling that behavior "unimaginable" and "causing rage" in Moscow.

    "Russia and Ukraine are brotherly nations and Moscow watches events in Kiev with great attention and worry," the official said, adding Russia was convinced Ukrainian authorities knew what to do to normalize the situation.

    Moscow believed it was unacceptable to interfere in its neighbor's affairs, he said.

    All Kiev's decisions were sovereign and made in the frame of democratic procedures, so any use of political tactics by outsiders was unacceptable, Peskov said.

    The State Duma, or lower house of the Russian parliament, on Wednesday urged Western political circles to stop meddling in the internal affairs of Ukraine in violation of international law and stop contributing to further escalation of the conflict.

    Mass protests in Ukraine began on Nov. 21 last year, following a government decision to put on hold an association agreement with the European Union and opt for closer relations with Russia.

    Since last weekend, more than 300 people have been injured during the unrest in central Kiev.


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