Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Egypte: les Frères musulmans déposent une plainte auprès de la CPI

Des avocats des Frères musulmans, la confrérie du président égyptien destitué Mohamed Morsi, ont annoncé lundi à Londres avoir déposé une plainte auprès de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) pour obtenir l'ouverture d'une enquête sur de présumés crimes contre l'humanité commis en Egypte.

Des avocats représentant le parti Liberté et Justice (PLJ), vitrine politique des Frères musulmans, ont expliqué avoir soumis à la CPI une déclaration au nom de l'ancien président Mohamed Morsi dans laquelle il accepte la juridiction internationale. Cette déclaration a été faite alors que l'Egypte n'a pas ratifié le Statut de Rome instituant la CPI et que Mohamed Morsi n'est plus président. "Un message clair doit être envoyé au régime militaire égyptien qu'il court le risque de poursuites. 

C'est le but de la déclaration d'accepter la juridiction", a expliqué l'avocat John Dugard à Londres. Les avocats des Frères musulmans ont aussi déposé, le 20 décembre, une plainte - ou "communication" selon le terme de la CPI - détaillant des preuves, selon eux, de crimes commis depuis que Mohamed Morsi, seul président jamais élu démocratiquement d'Egypte, a été chassé du pouvoir par les militaires le 3 juillet 2013. Parmi ces crimes présumés figurent des cas de torture, de meurtres, d'emprisonnement illégal ou encore de disparition forcée. 

La "communication" déposée par les Frères musulmans auprès de la CPI cite des personnes dans l'armée égyptienne, mais les avocats ont refusé lundi de divulguer des noms publiquement. Dans la mesure où l'Egypte ne reconnaît pas la CPI et que Mohamed Morsi n'est pas au pouvoir, il est difficile de savoir jusqu'où la plainte peut aller. Le procureur de la CPI ne peut ouvrir une enquête qu'à la demande d'un Etat ayant ratifié le Statut de Rome ou reconnaissant la juridiction de la Cour, à la demande aussi du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies ou alors de sa propre initiative. (Belga) 
 Sur le même sujet:


  1. Muslim Brotherhood's FJP files criminal complaint at International Criminal Court over "crimes against humanity" committed following the July coup.....

    LONDON.- A legal team appointed by Egypt’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) announced on Monday that it lodged a complaint at the International Criminal Court (ICC) asking it to investigate crimes that had been committed by the military regime since last year's coup.

    The army takeover had deposed democratically elected President Mohamed Morsi in July and clamped down violently on anti-coup protests.

    Former UN Human Right Special Rapporteur Professor John Dugard, International Criminal Court barrister Rodney Dixon, and the FJP legal team led by solicitor Tayab Ali held a press meeting on the ICC appeal in British capital London on Monday.

    The group said the complaint submitted to the ICC includes detailed proof of the criminal acts perpetrated by the military regime such as murder, serious harm to mental or physical health, unlawful imprisonment and torture.

    The appeal will allow ICC prosecutors to investigate "allegations of crimes against humanity perpetrated by the military regime" following the July 2013 coup.

    "In order for Egypt to return to democratic progress, it is essential that the people responsible for the violence following the coup are held accountable for their crimes,” Ali said.

    “There is no hope for democracy and the rule of law in Egypt unless international legal institutions do the job they have been created to do."

    The legal team members gave details of the formal complaint during the meeting, with Ali citing "overwhelming" evidence he received from witnesses giving firsthand accounts of what they saw and experienced after the army took over.

    - Clear signal

    In July last year, the Egyptian armed forces suspended the constitution and seized power citing popular protests against President Morsi’s rule. The army, and the interim government it supports, led a bloody crackdown on anti-coup protesters, killing hundreds and wounding thousands during and after a three-month-long state of emergency.

    ICC legal expert and barrister Rodney Dixon said the evidence “shows that the acts alleged were widespread and systematic."

    He said the ICC chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda would have the say on whether to open a probe.

    "By launching an investigation, the ICC prosecutor will send a clear signal that the killings and abuses will not go unpunished and must end,” he said.

    “Whatever happens in the future of Egypt, these crimes cannot be swept under the carpet. They have to be investigated and the ICC is in the position to do that right now."

    Members of the legal team are expected to meet Bensouda in the coming days and weeks to follow the latest on their submission.

  2. Saudi: Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group...

    Saudi Arabia on Friday blacklisted the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, along with three other Middle East-based Islamist groups, Al Arabiya News Channel reported, citing a royal decree.

    The Saudi terrorism list also includes the kingdom’s branch of the Shiite movement Hezbollah and Syria-based militant groups the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and the al-Qaeda linked al-Nusra Front.

    Hundreds of Saudi fighters are believed to have joined ISIS and al-Nusra in Syria.

    The royal decree gives fighters a 15-day ultimatum to return home. The declaration came after King Abdullah announced on Feb. 3 tough penalties for activities deemed as terrorism............http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2014/03/07/Saudi-Arabia-declares-Muslim-Brotherhood-terrorist-group.html


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