Tuesday, June 11, 2024

US Lifts Ban on Arms Supplies to Ukraine’s Nationalist Battalion Azov

The US administration has lifted the ban on arms supplies to Ukraine's terrorist Azov battalion (banned in Russia), The Washington Post newspaper reported, citing the US State Department.

The formation has passed the State Department's inspection for compliance with the Leahy Law, which prohibits the provision of US military assistance to foreign units convicted of serious human rights violation, the report added.

 Back in 2017, then-President Donald Trump signed a law on federal government funding, which included an amendment, which prohibited the Pentagon from spending funds, allocated for military aid to Ukraine, to provide any aid to the Azov.

1 comment :

  1. Власти США сняли запрет на поставки оружия украинскому националистическому батальону «Азов»* (террористическая организация, запрещена в РФ). Об этом сообщает газета Washington Post.

    «Украинская 12-я бригада специального назначения "Азов"* прошла проверку на соответствие критериям закона Лихи, проведенную госдепартаментом», - сообщило издание.


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