Wednesday, June 5, 2024

German Defense Minister said that Berlin must prepare for war with Russia, Germany to buy 20 more Eurofighter jets

Germany needs to prepare for war with Russia in the coming years, said German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius, as quoted by Focus.

“Germany needs to prepare for war by 2029,” he said.

To do this, Berlin must pay attention to personnel training, material and financial components, he added.

 Pistorius also said that Russia’s victory in Ukraine would cost Berlin more than military and financial assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
He also called the restoration of compulsory military service urgent.

Germany will buy another 20 Eurofighter jets from Airbus, Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Wednesday, as Berlin battles to bulk up its defenses.

Speaking at the International Air Show in Berlin, Scholz said the order would be placed before Germany holds its next general elections in 2025.

The new jets are in addition to another 38 that had already been ordered in 2020 as part of replacements for Germany’s decades-old Tornado aircraft.

1 comment :

  1. Германия должна быть готова к войне с Россией к 2029 году, заявил Писториус в бундестаге.

    В связи с этим министр обороны ФРГ предложил вернуть воинскую повинность.

    Он также отметил, что Россия давно перешла на военную экономику и «продолжает вооружаться». По его словам, победа РФ обойдётся Западу дороже, чем нынешняя помощь Украине.


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