Sunday, April 21, 2024

US Mulls Posting More Military Advisers to Kiev Embassy

The United States is considering sending more military advisers to the US Embassy in Kiev, the US Department of Defense spokesman Patrick Ryder said.

"Throughout this conflict, the DOD has reviewed and adjusted our presence in-country, as security conditions have evolved. Currently, we are considering sending several additional advisers to augment the Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC) at the Embassy," he told Politico.

The Pentagon spokesperson added that the office performed advisory and non-combat support missions despite being staffed exclusively with Department of Defense personnel.

The number of US advisers to be sent to Ukraine could be up to 60, Politico reported, citing two US officials.

 Advisers will support logistics and oversee the weapons Washington is sending to Kiev, as well as assist the Ukrainian military in maintaining the weapons, US officials said.

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