Tuesday, April 2, 2024

NATO Troops Will 'Eventually' Enter Ukraine, Says Analyst

As the situation becomes more desperate for Ukraine, it is only a matter of time before NATO troops start operating “openly” in the country, security and international relations analyst Mark Sleboda told Sputnik’s Fault Lines on Monday. He also predicted that Ukraine will resort to more terror attacks as its troops are forced to step back.

“I think as their desperation grows and Russia’s advances on the battlefield come faster, with more casualties on the Kiev regime side and far fewer casualties on the Russian side,” Sleboda explained. “They will grow more desperate and more panicked and they will continue to do more, shall we say, unconventional, dirty things like terror attacks.”

“Eventually, I'm positive we are going to see NATO member state troops openly–under flag–on Ukrainian soil. I think it’s just a matter of time.”

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