Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Moscow Criticizes Israeli Envoy's Remarks as 'Provocative, Unacceptable'

The Russian Foreign Ministry condemned on Monday the remarks made by the Israeli ambassador to Moscow, describing them as "provocative and unacceptable."

The criticism stemmed from an interview with Simona Halperin, published by the Russian daily Kommmersant, which the ministry deemed as distorting historical realities and foreign policy approaches.

Halperin's critique of Russia for not including an international Holocaust memorial day on its official list of state days was rebuked by the ministry, which emphasized Russia's role in advocating for the establishment of such a day at the UN in 2005.

The ministry took issue with Halperin's characterization of the Holocaust as targeting "only the Jewish people," asserting that this perspective contradicts cornerstone international documents, including UN Security Council resolutions.

Russian diplomats expressed puzzlement over Halperin's remarks regarding Moscow's efforts to mediate the Israeli war on Gaza. They refuted her claims about Russia hosting Hamas members and emphasized the ongoing efforts to secure the release of captives held by the resistance group.

1 comment :

  1. Israeli Ambassador Simona Halperin has left the Russian foreign ministry where she was summoned to due to her inadmissible media pronouncements.

    She refused to speak to journalists when leaving the ministry after spending some 100 minutes there.


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