Friday, December 1, 2023

US Delivery of Longer-Range Rockets to Ukraine Stalled

As Ukraine faces dwindling support amid a failed counteroffensive, its hopes of getting longer-range GLSDB rockets from the US this year have been dashed, Reuters reported.

Originally, shipping of the Ground Launched Small Diameter Bombs procured from Boeing was planned for early 2023, but the timing has been pushed back until sometime next year, according to the Pentagon and cited insiders. While the prime contractor may deliver the GLSDB rockets to the US in late December, several months of testing will be needed after that.

The explanation offered for the shift in timeline was the fact that government-furnished materials were needed for production of the GLSDB weapons to begin. Accordingly, contract signing forced the delay. The agreement was finally signed in March, but this deferred delivery to the US towards the end of the current year.
“We anticipate providing this key capability in the early 2024 timeframe after successful verification," a Pentagon spokesman was cited as saying.

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