Friday, November 17, 2023

Russian MoD reported the destruction of eight Ukrainian Armed Forces boats in the Black Sea moving towards Crimea

In the southwestern part of the Black Sea, eight boats were discovered moving towards Crimea. All of them were destroyed by naval aviation of the Black Sea Fleet.
“Seven unmanned boats and one high-speed boat of the "Villard" type with a landing group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” the Russian Ministry of Defense said, speaking about the destroyed targets.

Earlier this day it was reported that air defense systems on duty destroyed two Ukrainian Neptune anti-ship missiles over the Black Sea off the coast of Crimea.

1 comment :

  1. Российские военные уничтожили семь безэкипажных катеров и одно быстроходное судно типа "Виллард" с украинским десантом в Черном море, сообщили в Минобороны.


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