Friday, November 3, 2023

Lebanon's Hezbollah Launches Drone Strikes on Israeli Army Positions

 Lebanon's Hezbollah announced that it has carried out multiple strikes on Israeli army positions, marking its first use of explosive drones in the ongoing conflict.

The powerful resistance movement has been engaged in a fiery exchange with Israeli forces along the Lebanese border since October 7, resulting in the most significant escalation in the region since the 2006 war.

Hezbollah's Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, is scheduled to deliver his first speech since the conflict began on Friday. As a prominent figure in the Arab world, Nasrallah is a leading voice in the regional "Axis of Resistance" formed to counter the influence of the United States and Israel. Known for his leadership skills, Nasrallah's speeches have garnered attention from both allies and critics.

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