Sunday, September 24, 2023

Thousands of Ethnic Armenians to Reportedly Leave Nagorno-Karabakh, Residents of two villages evacuated to Armenia

 The leadership of Nagorno-Karabakh has told Reuters that thousands of ethnic Armenians plan to leave for Armenia due to their unwillingness to live under the Azerbaijan Republic’s rule and fears of ethnic cleansing.

Nagorno-Karabakh, recognized internationally as part of Republic of Azerbaijan but beyond Baku's control since the Soviet Union's dissolution, declared a ceasefire on September 20 after a swift 24-hour military operation by the much larger Azerbaijani military.

Azerbaijan has stated its commitment to safeguarding the rights of the region's residents and integrating the area. However, the Armenian leadership in Karabakh has conveyed their intent to depart.

The Azerbaijan Republic has consistently denied any intention to harm the Armenian population.

Residents of two villages in Nagorno-Karabakh have been evacuated to Armenia, the Yerevan-based portal said on Sunday, citing Nagorno-Karabakh’s information center.

According to the portal, residents of the Karabakh’s Yegtsakhokh community were evacuated during the recent outburst of hostilities and have arrived in Armenia’s Kornidzor, escorted by Russian peacekeepers.

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