Sunday, September 17, 2023

More Ukrainian Drones Destroyed by Russian Air Defense

Russian air defense systems destroyed over the Moscow Region another Ukrainian drone attempting to attack the Russian capital, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said on Sunday.

"Another drone that tried to carry out an attack on Moscow was shot down tonight by air defense forces in the Ramensky District of the Moscow Region. According to preliminary data, there are also no damages or casualties after the fall of the debris," Sobyanin said on Telegram.

At the same time, the Russian Defense Ministry said that air defense also shot down a Ukrainian fixed-wing drone over the Domodedovsky District of the Moscow Region.

Twenty-four flights have been delayed in Moscow airports overnight into Sunday, according to data from the Yandex.Schedule website.

As of 02:26 a.m. Moscow time, nine flights were delayed and two canceled at the Vnukovo Airport, seven flights were delayed at the Sheremetyevo Airport, and eight flights at the Domodedovo Airport.

1 comment :

  1. Силы ПВО ликвидировали еще один беспилотный летательный аппарат в Московской области. Его сбили над территорией Раменского района. Таким образом, пресечена атака на Москву. После падения обломков нет разрушений и пострадавших. Об этом сообщил мэр Сергей Собянин.

    «Еще один беспилотник, пытавшийся осуществить атаку на Москву, сбит сегодня ночью силами ПВО в Раменском районе Московской области. Разрушений и пострадавших после падения обломков предварительно также нет», - опубликована информация в его телеграм-канале.


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