Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Kiev asks for new armored vehicles to prepare for counteroffensives — US administration - TASS

Ukraine has asked the United States for new armored vehicles, in particular, for preparations for its counteroffensives, a senior US administration official said at a special phone briefing on Wednesday.

"They have requested new armored vehicle capabilities to defend their territory, prepare for new counteroffensives and increase their long-term security," she said.

"As we have [done] throughout this conflict, the United States has worked closely with allies and partners to provide Ukraine with what they need," she added.

Earlier on Wednesday, Acting Governor of the Zaporozhye Region Yevgeny Balitsky said that the Ukrainian armed forces have a force of up to 40,000 troops in the Kiev-controlled part of the Zaporozhye Region and are gearing up for a counteroffensive.

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