"Russia has repeatedly launched allegations to the UN Security Council that the United States is suspected of conducting bio-military activities in Ukraine. China is gravely concerned. We believe that any evidence of clues related to compliance with the convention (Biological Weapons Convention) should receive full attention from the international community and deserve thorough and to-the-point responses and clarifications by the party concerned," Geng told the UN Security Council on Wednesday, Sputnik reported.
China believes that a fair and transparent investigation by the UN Security Council can effectively address compliance concerns and can help uphold the authority and effectiveness of the convention, Geng added.
Earlier in the day, Russia submitted a draft resolution to the UN Security Council to decide on forming a commission to investigate Moscow's claims and presented a complaint against the United States and Ukraine regarding their compliance with the Biological Weapons Convention for activities in biological laboratories on Ukrainian territory.
The draft resolution submitted by Russia was not adopted because there were not enough votes in its favor.
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