Friday, July 9, 2021

U.S. strikes deal with Russia to continue U.N. Syria aid access | One America News Network

Parents can sleep tonight knowing that for the next 12 months their children will be fed

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) -The U.N. Security Council on Friday extended a cross-border aid operation into Syria from Turkey after Russia agreed to a compromise in last minute talks with the United States, ensuring the delivery of humanitarian help to millions of Syrians for the next 12 months.

“Parents can sleep tonight knowing that for the next 12 months their children will be fed. The humanitarian agreement we’ve reached here will literally save lives,” said U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield.

Russia and the United States, whose relationship has been fraught on a number of issues, both described Friday’s unanimous vote by the 15-member Security Council as an important moment.

“We hope that it might be a turning point that is indeed in line with what Putin and Biden discussed in Geneva,” Russia’s U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia told reporters after the vote. “It demonstrates that we can cooperate when there is a need and when there is a will as well.”...


  1. SANA- Security Council on Friday unanimously adopted a resolution on extending “cross-border aid delivery mechanism” for extra six months.

    The Council adopted the draft resolution on delivering the aid to Syria through Bab al-Hawa crossing and extending the rules of resolution no.2533 for year 2020 for more six months.

    1. During a session of the Security Council, following extending the mechanism of “cross-border aid delivery” to Syria for more six months, Permanent Representative of Syria to the United Nations, Bassam Sabbagh, said that the two delegations of Russia and China, in addition to other delegations exerted efforts to shed light on sides that serve improving the humanitarian condition and delivering aid to those who are in need inside Syria.

      Sabbagh added that the western states insisted to ignore those sides and focused only on extending “cross-border aid delivery mechanism” that serves their agendas.

      He stressed that the Western states turn a blind eye to Syrians’ suffering and they continue to violate Syria’s sovereignty and besiege its people.

      He added that Syria refuses this politicized mechanism as it violates the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, in addition to the grave faults that shaped its work along with the failure in ensuring delivering the aid to the needy people, not to the terrorists.

      Sabbagh stressed that the exaggeration of some states in describing this mechanism is a misleading which aims to manipulate feelings of the public opinion.

      Syria’s Representative to the UN concluded by saying that Syria is committed to fulfilling the humanitarian needs for its citizens and providing support for those who are in need to alleviate the negative repercussions created by the terrorist war.

  2. Le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU a approuvé vendredi à l’unanimité une résolution prolongeant de six mois renouvelables le mécanisme onusien d’aide humanitaire transfrontalière à la Syrie sans l’aval de Damas, une avancée vue par les Etats-Unis et la Russie comme un nouveau départ dans leurs relations.

    1. La durée de l’extension est interprétée différemment par les Etats-Unis, pour qui elle est d’un an, et la Russie, qui considère qu’il s’agit de six mois renouvelables en fonction d’un rapport attendu en fin d’année du secrétaire général de l’ONU.

    2. Des diplomates ont précisé qu’un nouveau vote dans six mois n’était pas obligatoire.

      La résolution décide d’une extension du mécanisme pour le seul point d’accès de Bab al-Hawa, à la frontière nord-ouest de la Syrie avec la Turquie, "avec une prorogation d’un délai supplémentaire de six mois, c’est-à-dire jusqu’au 10 juillet 2022, sous réserve de la publication d’un rapport substantiel du secrétaire général".

      Ce rapport devra mettre "un accent particulier sur la transparence des opérations et les progrès sur l’accès via les lignes de front pour répondre aux besoins humanitaires", précise la résolution.

      L’ambassadeur russe à l’ONU, Vassily Nebenzia, a souligné qu’après le sommet récent à Genève des présidents Vladimir Poutine et Joe Biden, l’accord sur une prolongation du mécanisme était "historique".

  3. TASS/. The UN Security Council adopted a resolution on the continuation of cross-border aid for Syria, prepared by Russia, the US, Ireland, and Norway.

    The resolution extends the operation of the Bab al-Hawa checkpoint on the Syrian-Turkish border for 12 months, and the UN Secretary General will have to provide a "substantive report" on the aid mechanism.

    The adopted resolution is a compromise, after Ireland and Norway earlier presented their version, which included the extension of Bab al-Hawa’s operation and the restoration of another checkpoint on the border with Iraq for 12 months. Russia proposed to extend only the Bab al-Hawa checkpoint for six months. However, the UN Security Council refused to review these proposals individually; instead, additional consultations made it possible to agree on a language that satisfied both sides.


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