Monday, May 31, 2021

La Agencia de Seguridad Nacional estadounidense espió a Merkel y otros políticos europeos con ayuda de daneses, revelan medios



 De 2012 a 2014, se detalló que la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional estadounidense se conectó a cables de telecomunicaciones daneses para espiar a funcionarios de Alemania, Suecia, Noruega y Francia


The US National Intelligence Agency received support from Denmark in spying on European politicians, according to a new joint media report, something President Joe Biden is well-informed to answer for, says Edward Snowden.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Frank Walter-Steinmeier are among those who were spied on by the NSA with the cooperation and help of the Danish Defense Intelligence Service (FE), according to the European media investigation. 

The US spying on not only its own citizens, but also leaders in foreign countries is an accusation that came to light in 2013, mostly thanks to documents leaked by former NSA contractor-turned-whistleblower – though he remains a fugitive in the US – Edward Snowden. Snowden’s leaks specifically revealed Merkel’s private cell phone had been monitored by US authorities.


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