Hundreds of protesters who massed in the nation's capital to support President Donald Trump's baseless claims of voter fraud swarmed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, forcing police to evacuate parts of the complex as some demonstrators breached barricades on the building's steps.
The chaotic scene came after Trump spoke to a large crowd in front of the White House, angrily vowing that he would never concede to President-elect Joe Biden.
"We will never give up, we will never concede. You don't concede when there's theft involved," Trump said to a crowd of supporters, some of whom chanted "USA!" or waved anti-Biden banners.. He later falsely claimed Biden would be an "illegitimate" president.
The U.S. Capitol locked down Wednesday with lawmakers inside as violent clashes broke out between supporters of President Donald Trump and police.
ReplyDeleteAn announcement was played inside the Capitol as lawmakers were meeting and expected to vote to affirm Joe Biden's victory. Due to an "external security threat," no one could enter or exit the Capitol complex, the recording said.
Both chambers abruptly went into recess.
The skirmishes occurred outside in the very spot where president-elect Biden will be inaugurated in just two weeks.
Vice President Mike Pence was reportedly evacuated while members of the US Congress sheltered in place, as Capitol Police struggled to hold back a crowd of President Donald Trump’s supporters who stormed the building.
ReplyDeletePence was presiding over the joint session of Congress that was expected to formally certify the 2020 election for Democrat Joe Biden. The House and the Senate had broken off into separate sessions to discuss objections from some Republican lawmakers to the validity of results from Arizona, when protesters gathered outside breached the outer perimeter fence.
DeleteThe Capitol Police sent out a memo warning members of Congress and the media of an “external security threat” and telling them to stay away from windows.
DeleteEl Senado de EE.UU. suspende el debate del Colegio Electoral después de que manifestantes forzaran el cierre del Capitolio
ReplyDeleteCuando el vicepresidente del país norteamericano, Mike Pence, abrió la sesión conjunta del Senado y la Cámara de Representantes en Washington, D.C., los manifestantes que se encontraban afuera irrumpieron los alrededores de la sede legislativa, presionando contra la Policía que sostenía la cerca perimetral.
DeleteTambién se ha reportado que Pence fue evacuado del Capitolio por el Servicio Secreto a través de túneles subterráneos.
El presidente de EE.UU., Donald Trump, ha criticado al vicepresidente Mike Pence por su negativa a oponerse a los resultados de las elecciones.
ReplyDelete"Mike Pence no tuvo el coraje de hacer lo que debería haberse hecho para proteger a nuestro país y nuestra Constitución, dando a los estados la oportunidad de certificar un conjunto de hechos corregidos, no los fraudulentos o inexactos que se les pidió que certificaran previamente. ¡Estados Unidos exige la verdad!", escribió el mandatario en su cuenta de Twitter.
Previamente, varios legisladores republicanos dijeron que se opondrían a certificar los resultados de las elecciones de media docena de estados donde Trump ha alegado fraude e irregularidades.
No obstante, minutos antes de la apertura de la reunión del Congreso para contar los votos electorales, Pence dijo que no creía tener la autoridad para rechazar unilateralmente los votos electorales, como algunos esperaban que hiciera.
Trump Slams Pence Over Not Having 'Courage' to Block Electoral Vote Certification
DeleteMike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!
DeleteUS President Donald Trump on Wednesday called on protesters to stay peaceful after they stormed the Capitol building to protest against the Electoral College certification process, which would definitively dictate Joe Biden as the next president of the US.
ReplyDeleteLa alcaldesa del Distrito de Columbia de EE.UU., Muriel Bowser, ha decretado este miércoles el toque de queda que durará desde las 6 de la tarde hasta las 6 de la mañana del jueves 7 de enero debido a las protestas en los alrededores del Capitolio que obligaron a cerrarlo con los legisladores dentro.
ReplyDeleteDurante el toque de queda se prohíbe desplazarse por el territorio del distrito a pie o en cualquier tipo de transporte y estar en la calle, en un parque o en cualquier otro lugar público. La medida no se aplicará a los trabajadores esenciales, entre ellos, periodistas acreditados, cuando estos desempeñan sus funciones laborales, incluido el camino al lugar de trabajo y de vuelta.
Mayor of Washington DC Declares 6pm Curfew After Protesters Storm Capitol Building
DeleteUS Republican Lawmaker Calls Pro-Trump Protests ‘Coup Attempt’
ReplyDeleteDefense Department Denies Request by City Officials to Deploy National Guard to DC, Report Claims
ReplyDelete'Shots Fired' Inside Chamber, Reports Claim
ReplyDeleteReportan un enfrentamiento armado entre partidarios de Trump y la Policía dentro del Capitolio de EE.UU.
DeleteRep. Dan Kildee
40 λ
I am in the House Chambers. We have been instructed to lie down on the floor and put on our gas masks. Chamber security and Capitol Police have their guns drawn as protesters bang on the front door of the chamber.
This is not a protest. This is an attack on America.
Capitol Police have locked off the Senate chamber and have guns drawn as protesters are pounding on the doors and reportedly vandalizing the building.
DeleteMarco Rubio
There is nothing patriotic about what is occurring on Capitol Hill. This is 3rd world style anti-American anarchy.
At Least One Person Reportedly Shot Inside US Capitol Building
ReplyDeleteReportan que una mujer se encuentra grave tras recibir una bala en el pecho en el Capitolio
DeleteThe unidentified woman appears to have been attempting to enter the Senate chamber with other protesters. Capitol Police on the other side of the doors had guns drawn. Video seemingly shows the woman being shot, falling to the ground, and others quickly racing to help her.
DeleteShe can later be seen being carried out on a stretcher and is now reportedly in critical condition.
Portavoz de la Casa Blanca informa que la Guardia Nacional está siendo desplegada al Capitolio de EE.UU. tras disturbios
ReplyDeleteUS National Guard, Federal Protective Services on Way to Capitol to Help Quell Protests - White House
DeleteLa secretaria de Prensa de la Casa Blanca, Kayleigh McEnany, informó este miércoles que miembros de la Guardia Nacional están siendo desplegados al Capitolio, después de que simpatizantes de Donald Trump irrumpieron en la sede y obligaron a la suspensión del debate del Colegio Electoral.
Delete"Por instrucciones el presidente Donald Trump, la Guardia Nacional está en camino junto con otros servicios de protección federales. Reiteramos el llamado del presidente Trump contra la violencia y en favor de permanecer en paz", escribió McEnany en su cuenta de Twitter.
FBI Reportedly Deployed to Help DC Police Protect Federal Property
ReplyDeleteThose Involved in Violence at US Capitol Will Be Prosecuted to Full Extent of Law - Pence
ReplyDeleteVarios oficiales resultaron heridos durante los violentos desmanes causados por simpatizantes del presidente de EE.UU., Donald Trump, en la sede del Capitolio, en Washington D.C., y al menos uno de los uniformados fue trasladado a un hospital, reportó CNN.
ReplyDeleteTwitter bloqueó la posibilidad de retuitear y dejar respuestas bajo el video publicado por el presidente de EE.UU., Donald Trump, en el que insta al cese de las protestas realizadas por sus seguidores este miércoles en inmediaciones del Capitolio de EE.UU.
ReplyDeleteDemocracy ‘must be respected’! France, UK & NATO condemn chaos in Washington, call for ‘peaceful transfer of power’
ReplyDeleteEuropean leaders and NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg have condemned the storming of the US Congress by supporters of President Donald Trump and called for Joe Biden to be confirmed as the new US leader.
Delete“Shocking scenes in Washington, DC. The outcome of this democratic election must be respected,” Stoltenberg tweeted on Wednesday, as videos of protesters breaching the chambers of Congress and disrupting the joint session that was supposed to certify the 2020 election for Biden traveled around the world.
Jens Stoltenberg
Shocking scenes in Washington, D.C. The outcome of this democratic election must be respected.
“Disgraceful scenes in US Congress,” British Prime Minister Boris Johnson chimed in. “The United States stands for democracy around the world and it is now vital that there should be a peaceful and orderly transfer of power,” added the British PM.
Delete"Violence against American institutions is a serious attack on democracy. I condemn them," tweeted French Minister of European and Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves Le Drian. "The will and vote of the American people must be respected."
ReplyDeleteJean-Yves Le Drian
Compte gouvernemental, France
Les violences contre les institutions américaines sont une atteinte grave contre la démocratie. Je les condamne. La volonté et le vote du peuple américain doivent etre respectés.
At Least One Person Shot, Five Injured in Protests at US Capitol Building, Reports Say
ReplyDeleteThe woman who got shot in the US Capitol unrest was pronounced dead: US media
DeleteFacebook on Wednesday temporarily blocked US President Donald Trump from posting after the president's supporters stormed the Capitol.
ReplyDeleteLawmakers have returned to the US Capitol to finish certifying Joe Biden's election victory, hours after Trump supporters stormed the building in a riot that saw four people die.
ReplyDeleteOfficials say one woman was shot by police, while three others died as a result of "medical emergencies".
David Cicilline
NEW: I am sending a letter with @RepTedLieu and our colleagues on the House Judiciary Committee, calling on Vice President Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Donald Trump from office after today’s events.
The 25th Amendment would enable Vice President Mike Pence to become acting president if he and a majority of the Cabinet declare the president as being unable to execute his duties.
DeleteTrump Bars Pence’s Chief of Staff From Entering White House, Reports Say
ReplyDeleteUS President Donald Trump has barred a key aide to Vice President Mike Pence from entering the White House after the latter refused to challenge the results of the country's presidential elections, NBC reports, citing a source close to Pence.
DeleteThe Head of Pence's staff, Marc Short, who advised the US vice president on issues related to the counting of electoral college votes, according to reports, was "banned from entering the White House".
La congresista estadounidense Ilhan Omar ha anunciado que está redactando artículos de juicio político contra Donald Trump después de que una gran multitud de sus partidarios irrumpiera este miércoles en el Capitolio cuando sus dos cámaras del Congreso se disponían a contar los votos electorales para ratificar oficialmente al demócrata Joe Biden como próximo presidente.
ReplyDeleteOmar aseguró en un tuit que Trump "debería ser acusado por la Cámara de Representantes y destituido por el Senado de EE.UU.". "No podemos permitir que permanezca en el cargo, es una cuestión de preservar nuestra República y debemos cumplir con nuestro juramento", indicó.
En un comunicado, la representante demócrata calificó los sucesos del miércoles de "intento de golpe" y tildó a los manifestantes de "terroristas armados".
"Todos los líderes deberían denunciar este golpe. Y el presidente debe ser acusado y destituido de su cargo por abierta sedición", reiteró.