Sunday, November 8, 2020

Karabakh Live Updates: Armenian MoD Denies Aliyev's Statement About Azerbaijani Army Seizing Shushi - Sputnik International

According to Baku, clashes in Karabakh continued on Sunday morning. At the same time, the authorities in the self-proclaimed Artsakh Republic (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic) said that Azerbaijani forces attacked Stepanakert overnight, as air emergency sirens sounded at least three times.

A military confrontation between Armenia and Azerbaijan along the contact line in the Nagorno-Karabakh region flared up on 27 September. Following the escalation, Yerevan declared martial law and - for the first time - general mobilisation, while partial mobilisation was introduced by Baku.

1 comment :

  1. L’Arménie, qui soutient la république autoproclamée du Haut-Karabakh, a démenti les affirmations du président Aliev, assurant que "le combat continue" pour la ville. "Pendant la nuit, des combats féroces ont éclaté dans les environs de Choucha", avait affirmé auparavant la porte-parole du ministère arménien de la Défense, Chouchan Stepanian, sur Twitter.


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