Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Chinese embassy tells citizens to stay on alert after terror attack in Vienna - Global Times

The Chinese embassy in Austria has urged overseas Chinese to stay at home after a terrorist attack in central Vienna left at least one dead and 15 injured.

The embassy said a shooting occurred near Schwedenplatz on Monday, and reminded overseas Chinese in Austria, Chinese students, and employees of Chinese enterprises to pay attention to personal safety.

Overseas Chinese in Vienna are encouraged to pay attention to official news and comply with police requirements, and not go out. In the event of an emergency, the embassy said they should report to police and contact the Chinese embassy immediately.

The attacks occurred at six locations close to Schwedenplatz in the heart of the Austrian capital, according to the Guardian. At least one person has been killed and 15 people injured in the terrorist attack. No injuries of Chinese citizens were reported as of press time.


  1. A group of unidentified persons carried out a series of shooting attacks in downtown Vienna on Monday evening. Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said the incident was an act of terrorism.

    1. A violent attack in Vienna's city centre on Monday has been named an act of terror by Austrian authorities, with at least 15 people injured and two killed. A massive special police operation has been launched following the shooting.

      A massive police investigation has been launched on what has been named by Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz a "hideous terrorist attack" in Vienna's city centre late Monday. Austrian Interior Minister Karl Nehammer echoed Kurz's words, describing the shootings as a terror act.

  2. Exministra de Exteriores de Austria: "El ataque de Viena no es una operación de un lobo solitario, está muy bien orquestado"

  3. Austrian police are searching for at least one suspect after a multiple gun attack in the capital, Vienna, that left three people dead.

    About a dozen other people have been wounded - some seriously - after gunmen opened fire at six different locations in the city centre on Monday evening.

    One suspect was shot dead by police, officials said.

  4. Les fusillades survenues lundi soir à Vienne ont fait une deuxième victime, une femme qui a succombé à ses blessures, a rapporté la chaîne de télévision publique ORF citant le maire de la ville Michael Ludwig.

    1. Les évènements, de nature terroriste, sont toujours considérés en cours. La police a confirmé qu'à partir de 20h00 lundi soir, plusieurs assaillants armés ont ouvert le feu, en six lieux de la ville. Un homme a alors été tué, et plusieurs personnes ont été blessées, dont un policier. Une des personnes blessées a depuis lors donc succombé à ses blessures.

    2. Austria’s top security official says that four people have died — including one assailant — after a shooting in the heart of Vienna late Monday.


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