Monday, October 10, 2016

Failed Yemen missile attack targets US Navy destroyer

A US Navy destroyer was the target of a failed missile attack originating in Yemen, a US military spokesman told Reuters Monday.

According to the spokesman, two missiles were fire towards the ship from territory controlled by Iran-backed Houthi rebels.

Neither of the missiles hit the ship.

Pentagon spokesman Captain Jeff Davis said that the "USS Mason detected two inbound missiles over a 60-minute period while in the Red Sea off the coast of Yemen. Both missiles impacted the water before reaching the ship."

"There were no injuries to our sailors and no damage to the ship," he added.

The destroyer had been "conducting routine operations in international waters" at the time.

Also on Monday, the Arab coalition fighting the Huthis accused the rebels of firing a ballistic missile towards the southwestern Saudi city of Taif.



  1. Raketenangriff auf US-Kriegsschiff vor jemenitischer Küste gemeldet...

    Ein Zerstörer der US-Marine ist in internationalen Gewässern vor der Küste des Jemens unter Raketenbeschuss geraten, wie die Agentur Reuters unter Berufung auf das US-amerikanische Verteidigungsministerium meldet.

    Demnach soll der Beschuss von einem von Huthi-Rebellen kontrollierten Territorium aus erfolgt sein.

    Ein Vertreter des Pentagons teilte mit, der Zerstörer der US-Marine sei nicht beschädigt worden. Es gebe auch keine Meldungen über Tote oder Verletzte. Erst am Samstag waren bei einem Luftangriff der saudisch geführten Koalition auf eine Trauerfeier in der jemenitischen Hauptstadt Sanaa fast 150 Zivilisten ums Leben gekommen.

  2. The United States is seeing growing indications that Iran-allied Houthi rebels, despite denials, were responsible for Sunday's attack on a Navy destroyer off the Yemen coast, U.S. officials told Reuters.

    The rebels appeared to use small skiffs as spotters to help direct a missile attack on the warship, said U.S. officials, who are not authorized to speak publicly because the investigation is ongoing.

    The United States is also investigating the possibility that a radar station under Houthi control in Yemen might have also "painted" the USS Mason, something that would have helped the Iran-aligned fighters pass along coordinates for a strike, said the officials.

    Neither of the two missiles fired from Houthi-controlled territory on Sunday hit the USS Mason or the nearby USS Ponce, an amphibious transport dock. But the incident threatens to trigger the first direct U.S. military action against Houthis in Yemen's conflict, even if it is limited to one-off retaliation.

    The Houthis have publicly denied any role in the strike. A senior Western diplomat told Reuters those denials have been communicated privately as well.


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