Tuesday, January 26, 2016

UN Security Council approves mission to monitor peace deal between Colombia and FARC

The Security Council on Monday moved to set up a United Nations political mission in Colombia, approving a team of international observers to monitor disarmament should the Colombian Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army (FARC-EP) reach a final agreement to end Latin America's longest armed conflict.

Unanimously adopting a United Kingdom-led resolution, the Council decided to establish a political mission for 12 months to monitor and verify the definitive bilateral ceasefire and cessation of hostilities, and the laying down of arms, acting just days after the two sides jointly requested the UN to consider such a measure in light of progress during three years of Havana-based peace talks.

Through the resolution, the Council decided that the Mission would be made up of unarmed international observers, and a part of the tripartite mechanism that will monitor and verify the definitive bilateral ceasefire and cessation of hostilities, consistent with the wishes of the parties, beginning such activities following the signing of a Final Peace Agreement between the Government of Colombia and the FARC-EP.

The FARC rebels and the Colombian Government have been in talks seeking to end a 51-year conflict that has left nearly a quarter of a million victi Throughout the discussions, which started in Havana in 2012, negotiators have reached agreement on key issues such as the political participation, land rights, illicit drugs and victims rights and transitional justice...
  •  La guérilla des FARC et le gouvernement colombien ont demandé mardi aux Nations unies de superviser le processus de désarmement de la rébellion et le cessez-le feu lorsqu'ils auront signé un accord de paix, ont annoncé les négociateurs...

1 comment :

  1. ONU monitoreará cese el fuego en Colombia...

    El Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, aprobó por unanimidad una resolución que establece una misión política para monitorear y verificar un futuro cese el fuego en Colombia, que podrá fin al más largo conflicto guerrillero en Latinoamérica.

    La resolución elogia el progreso en las negociaciones entre el gobierno de Colombia las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia y destaca que la solicitud de ambas partes la semana pasada para que se cree una misión de monitoreo de la ONU.

    La solicitud envía una fuerte señal de que el plazo del 23 de marzo para concluir las conversaciones de paz, podría cumplirse.

    La ministra de Relaciones Exteriores colombiana, María Angela Holguín, dijo a periodistas que su país espera cumplir el plazo. "Finalmente, nuestro continente tendrá vida sin conflicto", dijo Holguín......http://www.voanoticias.com/content/consejo-de-seguridad-aprueba-mision-monitoreo-para-colombia/3162201.html


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